Dice - The Ultimate Educational, Portable Entertainment For Kids!

Written by Lindsay Small

Continued from page 1

Run for it! You will need six dice for this game. Rollrepparttar dice and look for runs (sequences) starting with 1 (so 1, 1-2, 1-2-3 and so on). Each die that is part of a run scores five points. There can be more than one run in each roll. For example, say you rolledrepparttar 150433 following combination: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 5. You would score 5 points forrepparttar 150434 first 1. You would then score 15 points forrepparttar 150435 sequence of 1, 2 and 3, for a total of 20 points for that roll. The first player to reach 100 points isrepparttar 150436 winner.

Going to Boston Use three dice. Roll all three and keeprepparttar 150437 highest. Rollrepparttar 150438 remaining dice and again set asiderepparttar 150439 highest. Rollrepparttar 150440 last die, and add up your total. Write down your score. Play a number of rounds and then either total your points to findrepparttar 150441 winner, or simply count how many rounds were won by each player.

Lindsay Small is the author of Dice Games for Little Kids and Dice Games for Big Kids, available at http://www.ActivityVillage.co.uk/dice_games.htm. She is also the creator and editor of Activity Village - providing the ultimate one-stop resource for parents and teachers looking to educate and entertain their kids.

School Days - Top 10 Tips For Establishing A Good Routine

Written by Lindsay Small

Continued from page 1

6. Nail up a notice board

Keep a notice board at "base camp" so that you can pin up reminders, invitations, school menus or whatever else you need to keep tabs on.

7. Do it now!

If anything comes home from school that requires your attention, do it immediately. Fill out forms and put them straight back intorepparttar satchel. Write dates into your diary there and then, and replyrepparttar 150432 same day too. If you postpone it, you will forget it!

8. Give homework a home

Establish a place and time for doing homework and stick to it. Keep dictionaries and other necessary books nearby, as well as a spare set of pencils, rulers and other stationery you might need. Make sure that homework is put back into satchels as soon as it is completed and that satchels are returned to "base camp" straightaway. Get out a kitchen timer if kids are reluctant to start (or finish!)

9. Be prepared

If your car is running short of petrol (gas), fill it up onrepparttar 150433 way home from school inrepparttar 150434 afternoon rather than panickingrepparttar 150435 following morning! As you drive home, run a mental check on whether you haverepparttar 150436 necessary supplies for dinner, and breakfast. Nothing makes kids more miserable inrepparttar 150437 morning than an empty fridge.

10. Get ahead

Set your alarm to wake you up 10 minutes earlier than usual. You will be amazed at how much more in control that 10 minutes will make you feel. And finally, leave for school 5 minutes early. Arriving early takes away an enormous amount of stress and will put your children inrepparttar 150438 right mood for school.

Are you convinced? Start initiating some routines in your school days and you and your kids will feelrepparttar 150439 benefits very quickly. Making sure that your kids feel comfortable and in control before they get to school gives themrepparttar 150440 best possible start to a school day. And once they get used to afternoon and evening routines for homework and preparation forrepparttar 150441 day ahead, nighttimes become more peaceful too.

"We first make our habits, and then our habits make us." ~ John Dryden

Lindsay Small is the creator and editor of Activity Village - providing the ultimate one-stop resource for parents and teachers looking to educate and entertain their kids. Visit the website at http://www.ActivityVillage.co.uk and subscribe to the free newsletter at http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/free_newsletter.htm

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