Developing a Login System with PHP and MySQL

Written by John L

Continued from page 1

The following code excerpt can be used as part of authenticate.php to processrepparttar login request. It connects torepparttar 105565 MySQL database and queriesrepparttar 105566 table used to storerepparttar 105567 registration information.

@mysql_connect("localhost", "mysql_login", "mysql_pwd") or die("Cannot connect to DB!"); @mysql_select_db("tbl_login") or die("Cannot select DB!"); $sql="SELECT loginid FROM login_tbl WHERE loginid=’".$loginid.”’ and password=’”.$password.”’”; $r = mysql_query($sql); if(!$r) { $err=mysql_error(); print $err; exit(); } if(mysql_affected_rows()==0){ print "no such login inrepparttar 105568 system. please try again."; exit(); } else{ print "successfully logged into system."; //proceed to perform website’s functionality – e.g. present information torepparttar 105569 user }

As in component 1,repparttar 105570 code excerpt assumes thatrepparttar 105571 MySQL table that is used to storerepparttar 105572 registration data is named tbl_login and contains 3 fields –repparttar 105573 loginid, password and email fields. The values ofrepparttar 105574 $loginid and $password variables are passed in fromrepparttar 105575 form in authenticate.html usingrepparttar 105576 post method.


Component 3 – Forgot Password

A registered user may forget his password to log intorepparttar 105577 website’s system. In this case,repparttar 105578 user will need to supply his loginid forrepparttar 105579 system to retrieve his password and sendrepparttar 105580 password torepparttar 105581 user’s registered email address.

This is typically done through a simple HTML form. This HTML form typically contains 1 field and 2 buttons: 1. A login id field 2. A Submit button 3. A Reset button

Assume that such a form is coded into a file named forgot.html. The following HTML code excerpt is a typical example. Whenrepparttar 105582 user has filled in allrepparttar 105583 fields,repparttar 105584 forgot.php page is called whenrepparttar 105585 user clicks onrepparttar 105586 Submit button.

[form name="forgot" method="post" action="forgot.php"] [input name="login id" type="text" value="loginid" size="20"/][br] [input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/] [input type="reset" name="reset" value="reset"/] [/form]

The following code excerpt can be used as part of forgot.php to processrepparttar 105587 login request. It connects torepparttar 105588 MySQL database and queriesrepparttar 105589 table used to storerepparttar 105590 registration information.

@mysql_connect("localhost", "mysql_login", "mysql_pwd") or die("Cannot connect to DB!"); @mysql_select_db("tbl_login") or die("Cannot select DB!"); $sql="SELECT password, email FROM login_tbl WHERE loginid=’".$loginid.”’”; $r = mysql_query($sql); if(!$r) { $err=mysql_error(); print $err; exit(); } if(mysql_affected_rows()==0){ print "no such login inrepparttar 105591 system. please try again."; exit(); } else { $row=mysql_fetch_array($r); $password=$row["password"]; $email=$row["email"];

$subject="your password"; $header=""; $content="your password is ".$password; mail($email, $subject, $row, $header);

print "An email containingrepparttar 105592 password has been sent to you"; }

As in component 1,repparttar 105593 code excerpt assumes thatrepparttar 105594 MySQL table that is used to storerepparttar 105595 registration data is named tbl_login and contains 3 fields –repparttar 105596 loginid, password and email fields. The value ofrepparttar 105597 $loginid variable is passed fromrepparttar 105598 form in forgot.html usingrepparttar 105599 post method.



The above example is to illustrate how a very basic login system can be implemented. The example can be enhanced to include password encryption and additional functionality – e.g. to allow users to edit their login information.

Used with the author's permission. This article is written by daBoss. daBoss is the Webmaster of Designer Banners ( daBoss can be contacted at sales (at) designerbanners (dot) com.

Learn HTML tables - no effort required!

Written by David A. Saharkhiz

Continued from page 1

People have been doing amazing things with tables since 1995. Joinrepparttar party - it's not too late!

Originally posted by David Saharkhiz at GoArticles.

If you would like more information, checkrepparttar 105564 link below for more information:

HTML Basics

David Saharkhiz is a computer science major and National Merit Semifinalist at America's Clemson University. He provides comprehensive web-help and HTML help, codes free HTML scripts, and works to help novice webmasters set up new websites.

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