Developing a Championship Attitude

Written by Dr. Patrick J. Cohn

Continued from page 1

(2) Team goals are more important than individual ones. Individual players are able to sacrifice their trophies and personal goals and adoptrepparttar team goals. Having a shared goal isrepparttar 133032 only way to develop team unity and have teamwork.

(3) Elevated expectations or self-confidence. Any championship team hasrepparttar 133033 belief that they are ready, willing, and able to winrepparttar 133034 big one. If a team has doubts about it’s overall ability level, thenrepparttar 133035 team will fall short of winningrepparttar 133036 championship. If you think your team can get torepparttar 133037 playoffs, but not winrepparttar 133038 big game, thenrepparttar 133039 team will realize this shortfall.

(4) No excuses to lose. I tell athletes I work with that if you show up to play with excuses to lose, then you might as well not show up to play. If you think your team does not play well underrepparttar 133040 lights, against a particular team, or whenrepparttar 133041 conditions are not optimal, then you have excuses to lose. Championship teams don’t have built-in excuses to lose—they expect to win and will settle for nothing less.

Dr. Patrick J. Cohn is a master mental game coach who works with athletes of all levels including amateur and professionals. Visit to gain access to over 500 exclusive mental game articles, audio programs, and interviews with athletes and coaches to enhance your athletic potential: or call 888-742-7225.

Cold water diving

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

There are some clothes meant to keep each specific body part warm. Forrepparttar neck, you should wear a woolen or similar scarf; ideally made of cashmere due to its comfortableness and malleability. For your feet, you can wear woolen socks or clothes made ofrepparttar 133031 same material you have chosen as an under suit.

It is also important to remember that we always loose a lot of our body heat through our head. Therefore, it might be important that you wear something to insulate your head fromrepparttar 133032 cold which surrounds you. As you can see, there are specific clothes for each body part which you should consider before you start your cold water diving. It is very important that you wear them since, among other reasons, loosing your body temperature might even make you loose some of your thinking capabilities and become a serious risk.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Please visit his website to discover the world of diving!

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