Determining Your Websites “Validation” Point: How

Written by Pete Prestipino

Continued from page 1

Are You Real, Virtual or Both? While e-commerce technology has come a long way since its first implementation, most people still would prefer to make purchases in person or at least speak with someone onrepparttar phone. This givesrepparttar 104936 prospectrepparttar 104937 sense they are receiving personal attention. Since sites that offer addresses and phone numbers typically perform on a higher level, it is important to express to visitors critical information such as details aboutrepparttar 104938 company, contact information and easy to understand privacy policies. These are important parts of a website because open system almost always outperform closed ones. Who would you trust more:repparttar 104939 person selling watches from a storefront orrepparttar 104940 one selling them frontrepparttar 104941 trunk of their car?

Do others find you Trustworthy? One ofrepparttar 104942 most profound mistakes web site owners and managers make is not proving their trustworthiness to their visitors. Sites that sell successfully online realizerepparttar 104943 importance of earning visitors' trust through a policy of open communication. By providing secure billing pages and explaining and abiding byrepparttar 104944 content within your sites' privacy policies, earning trust with prospects becomes exponentially simpler.

Findingrepparttar 104945 secret to being trustworthy is more simple that most people think. By being what users expect you to be (honest, truthful, reliable, dependable) you increaserepparttar 104946 chances that you will earn visitors trust. The next time you look at your site, ask yourself, "Do I trust this business?"


If you think your website could use third party validation to build trust with your prospects, sign up at

Pete Prestipino represents, an online service providing seals of approval on websites that surfers can trust.

The Ultimate PR "Scam"

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Continued from page 1

How you get to that goal, however, is another question because you have just three strategy choices when it comes to perception/ opinion matters like this. Create perception/opinion where there isn’t any, reinforce existing opinion, or change it. A warning: insure that your new strategy is an obvious match for your new public relations goal.

Now, alert your team to a real writing challenge – a message tasked with alteringrepparttar offending perception. Which means your writer must produce a message that changes what many target audience members now believe. No easy job!

It must be clear about howrepparttar 104935 current perception is out of kilter. And it must not only be truthful, but persuasive, compelling and believable if it is to lead ultimately torepparttar 104936 desired behavior. True heavy lifting!

Byrepparttar 104937 way, messages like that best retain their credibility when delivered along with another news announcement or presentation, rather than a dedicated, high-profile press release.

Speaking of delivery, it’s time for you and your PR team to selectrepparttar 104938 communications tactics to carry that message of yours to members of a target audience that really needs to hear it. Fortunately, there are dozens of such tactics awaiting your pleasure – speeches, radio/newspaper interviews, brochures, op-eds, newsmaker events, newsletters and many, many more. Be careful thatrepparttar 104939 tactics you use have a record of reaching folks just like those you’re aiming at.

It won’t be long before people around you begin asking about progress. Which, once again, will put your team back inrepparttar 104940 opinion monitoring mode out amongrepparttar 104941 members of your target audience. Andrepparttar 104942 questions they ask will be very similar to those used inrepparttar 104943 first perception monitoring session.

Difference this time around will be your close attention to just how much current perceptions are really undergoingrepparttar 104944 change for which you planned. You want solid signs thatrepparttar 104945 offending perception is actually being altered.

You can always shovel more coal intorepparttar 104946 boiler by adding new communications tactics, then using them more frequently to achieve faster progress.

When you apply a comprehensive and workable plan like this, you have little to fear from “a PR scam.” Instead, you are on-track to achieve those key audience behaviors you must have to reach your unit’s operating objectives.


Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks to managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communications, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. Visit:

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