Details, Details, Details

Written by Sandy Gauvin

Continued from page 1

When I get a referral that says, "Johnny cannot read and is not working up to grade level", with no more information than that, I dorepparttar standard battery of tests. Then, when I learn later in conversation with that same teacher that Johnny can't sit still, or Johnny can't attend for anymore than two minutes, or Johnny has missed X number of days of school, or Johnny recently lost an uncle, I realize that perhaps I usedrepparttar 109329 wrong test.

If I had known this information first, I might have given a different test, perhaps one for Attention Deficit Disorder. So I have to go back and do that test afterwards. That information also affects HOW I giverepparttar 109330 test. Perhaps I could have given it in shorter time spans.

My friend had some excellent points. The more specific information you can give,repparttar 109331 better it is forrepparttar 109332 child. Testing is difficult enough on any child, but whenrepparttar 109333 person doingrepparttar 109334 testing doesn't haverepparttar 109335 right information, or not enough information, it can make testing more difficult.

I always found it helpful when teachers would show me asrepparttar 109336 evaluator, any concrete illustrations ofrepparttar 109337 child's problems, such as written work that shows how he spells, or documentation of specific instances of difficulty inrepparttar 109338 classroom, like his trouble with being able to copy information fromrepparttar 109339 board. I realize that teachers have a tremendous work load, but any specific information you can give about that child will helprepparttar 109340 child not just onrepparttar 109341 testing, but inrepparttar 109342 future as well. And, after all, isn't that student's success in life what education's all about?

For more plain talk about learning disabilities, please visit us at

Sandy Gauvin is a retired educator who has seen learning disabilities from many perspectives - as the parent of a daughter with learning disabilities, as the teacher of children with learning disabilities, and as an advocate for others who have diagnosed and unrecognized learning disabilities. Sandy shares her wisdom and her resources at

To Test or Not To Test - That Is the Question

Written by Sandy Gauvin

Continued from page 1

Does he have a learning disability? Should his teacher refer him for testing?

Do either of these scenarios sound familiar? The decision regarding whether to refer a child for testing can sometimes be a difficult one to make. There are many factors to consider, notrepparttar least of which is whetherrepparttar 109328 child perceives a stigma attached torepparttar 109329 testing.

As a teacher of students with learning disabilities, teachers often consulted with me when they questioned whether or not to test. After looking at allrepparttar 109330 facts, if there was still any doubt, I would tell them that I would rather err onrepparttar 109331 side of caution. Ifrepparttar 109332 child is not found to have a learning disability, at least we will discover his learning styles and how best to help him with his problem. If his does have a learning disability, we can proceed to get himrepparttar 109333 special help he needs to be more successful in school. Either way, he wins.

And who can question a win-win situation?

For more plain talk about learning disabilities, please visit us at

Sandy Gauvin is a retired educator who has seen learning disabilities from many perspectives - as the parent of a daughter with learning disabilities, as the teacher of children with learning disabilities, and as an advocate for others who have diagnosed and unrecognized learning disabilities. Sandy shares her wisdom and her resources at

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