Designing and deploying human centric processes

Written by Lucas Rodríguez Cervera

Continued from page 1

The importance of efficiently deploying a process is also Dependant onrepparttar number of persons that will be followingrepparttar 103046 procedure. The greaterrepparttar 103047 number is,repparttar 103048 more value that an efficient deployment provides. Think ofrepparttar 103049 claim processing department of an insurance company, people analyzing mortgage requests in a commercial bank or a big call center. These units normally have a great number of people executingrepparttar 103050 same process.

The objective is that people executingrepparttar 103051 process perform it as close as possible torepparttar 103052 new version ofrepparttar 103053 process, inrepparttar 103054 shortest possible period of time. These two variables are extremely important to generate value and to recoverrepparttar 103055 resources invested in reengineeringrepparttar 103056 process.

Some ofrepparttar 103057 practices that can contribute to this objective include makingrepparttar 103058 procedures easily available in a format that facilitates its look up, training, controlling, incentivating process compliance, etc... But applying this techniques alone is not a synonym for success.

The real challenge is to get participant buy in. These is were social and cultural factors must be taken in to account, and change management, knowledge management, management of expectations, etc... come into play.

Experience has shown, especially with knowledge workers, that involving process participants in decisions that affect them, ensuring that they are well informed and making them feel that their opinion is being taken into account, is more effective than forcing them to followrepparttar 103059 new processes. Although there are some cases were strict discipline must be used to enforce compliance withrepparttar 103060 process, it is usually better to reward good attitudes than to punish non compliance.

Oncerepparttar 103061 process is being carried out followingrepparttar 103062 new process it is also very important to enable feedback torepparttar 103063 system. Process participants' opinions are extremely important to enhancerepparttar 103064 process and it is likely that they have some good ideas to improve it. For example, performing a specific task in a way that can be institutionalized as a best practice, incorporated torepparttar 103065 procedure and deployed to every participant inrepparttar 103066 process.

Lucas Rodríguez Cervera is founder of Nevant} – Methodology & Process a company specialized in human-centric knowledge intensive business process technologies. They pioneered this concept with metoCube.

20 Ways To Convert Visitors Into Subscribers

Written by netprofitblueprint

Continued from page 1

12. You could publish some of your current e-zine subscriber's testimonials on your web site.

13. You could publish any positive reviews you have received about your free e-zine on your web site.

14. You could tell your visitors what's going to be published in your next e-zine issue.

15. You could tell your visitors that they haverepparttar right to republish your e-zines content on their own web site if they subscribe to your free e-zine

16. You could publish a list of well-known famous, or respected people that have subscribed to your free e-zine.

17. You could tell your visitors what a subscription to your free e-zine is worth in dollars.

18. You could tell your visitors allrepparttar 103045 major benefits of subscribing to your e-zine.

19. You could tell your visitors how many people have already subscribed to your e-zine.

20. You could tell your visitors that a subscription to your free e-zine is only available for a limited time.

Philippe Caillaud


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