Designing Your Nonprofit Organizations' E-zine

Written by Heidi Richards, MS

Continued from page 1


HTML e-mail – although HTML is notrepparttar preferred way for some readers, all of my e-zines are HTML format. They simply look better.

ASCII text - regular text email format, which includes up to 65 characters per line.

Web based - posting your e-zine onrepparttar 136359 web.

Font - use a generic font such as Arial, Times Roman, Courier, or Helvetica

When designing your e-zine, here are some things to keep in mind:

Use a Template – This provides consistency and you can make changes gradually over time.

Spell Check – Always. Period.

Proofread – Have someone else proofread. I have a professional editor read each issue. I read it over two or three times between edits and so doesrepparttar 136360 editor.

Answer Every Email – When someone writes an email to your organization, there’s someone onrepparttar 136361 receiving end waiting for an answer. You owe it to your readers to respond.

Inform, Entertain, and Serve – People sign up for email newsletters to gain knowledge, information, to get involved, and to be entertained.

Cultivate contributors – Take your time, build interest, gain trust, then ask for money. Include links to giving pages. This allows supporters to make a contribution via credit card or a pledge. If your e-zine has what readers want, you will have a much higher likelihood of increased giving. An e-mail newsletter is an excellent tool for finding new donors online, and increasing its circle of stakeholders.

The technology you use to disseminate your e-zine must be secure and haverepparttar 136362 capabilities you either now need or will inrepparttar 136363 future.

One ofrepparttar 136364 most important things we had to deal with was when our lists started growing (beyond 250); we were very limited in sending through our original e-mail account (AOL). They have rules and sometimes will freeze an account if you send too many at once. The format would also get botched sometimes. The lists became unmanageable when we had to removerepparttar 136365 unsubscribes and duplicates. Findingrepparttar 136366 ones who wish to unsubscribe can be challenging. We switched to another service hoping they could send our newsletters and maintain our lists. It was a good service; however, we didn't likerepparttar 136367 look of our newsletter. It had limited capabilities (no bold or italic). Since I'mrepparttar 136368 creative type, I didn't want my ezines to look like everyone else's. We have now found a program we are very happy with. There is no monthly fee, just a one-time purchase fee. It is called Group Mail Pro - Mailing List & Group Management Software. And it only costs $79.95 (and you own it). For more information visit Group Mail Pro or follow this link: (


Have a subscription form on your website!

Have a sign up sheet atrepparttar 136369 office and at all events. If you speak before a group, make sure you mention your e-zine. Some people are bound to want to sign up.

Promote it with postcards in your monthly statements or on your business card.

Tell anyone you think might be interested. This includes current stakeholders, contributors and volunteers.

Offer a fr*ee report when people sign up. When people subscribe to Legacy they receive not one but two reports just for trying us out.

When you use e-mail for an outgoing message - to cultivate, to inform, to request action, to ask for money - you are creating public relations. Good things happen with E-zines; increased visibility, increased contributions and goodwill. If you plan your e-zine right, give it an interesting title and offer your stakeholders benefits, your e-zine will be a success! Happy Writing!

© 2005 - Heidi Richards

Heidi Richards is the author of The PMS Principles, Powerful Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business and 7 other books. She is also the Founder & CEO of the Women’s ECommerce Association, International (pronounced wee-kī) – an Internet organization that “Helps Women Do Business on the WEB.” Basic Membership is FREE. Ms. Richards can be reached at or

"Ezine Basics"

Written by Dr. Bill Nieporte

Continued from page 1

How do you get folks to do that? Here are five powerful methods for building your subscription base...

1) Write articles and submit them to other ezines. Inrepparttar author's tag include instructions for subscribing to your ezine.

2) Exchange ads with other ezine editors. Ezine editors tend to be some ofrepparttar 124424 nicest people onrepparttar 124425 internet ;-) Most will go out of their way to help a comrade succeed.

3) Give away FREE stuff to those who subscribe. Special articles, software programs, discounts, and ebooks are all popular gifts to give your subscribers.

4) Join in strategic partnerships with companies that market services specifically geared toward increasing my ezine subscription base. Examples includerepparttar 124426 following...

...The Directory Of Ezines

...The Ezine Advertisers Network

5) Announce your ezine inrepparttar 124427 databases on these websites...

In addition, make sure you have your ezine listed inrepparttar 124428 powerful new ezine search engine, available on my site at: emp/

Now you've got a focus, a format, and subscribers. What's next? You need...


While your list is small you can probably get by using your current email program. But you always runrepparttar 124429 risk of raisingrepparttar 124430 ire of your ISP. That's why I have chosen to userepparttar 124431 services of a listserver. Several companies onrepparttar 124432 internet offer such services for free--but most are unreliable.

The benefit of a listserver. You compose your email, paste it to a online form, hit "send," and your done. The listserver does allrepparttar 124433 mailing for you.

What do you want your listserver to do? Here arerepparttar 124434 basics!

It must send to at least 10,000 people. It must allow unlimited mailings. It must have automatic subscribe and remove functions. It must refuse multiple subscriptions ofrepparttar 124435 same email address. It must reject non valid email addresses in your list. It must generate subscription URL code for your webpage. It must be VERY SECURE--only accessed with appropriate passwords. It must operate from a safe administration area--not via email.

That's right, use your List Server as often as you like, every hour, every day, once a week, as often as you like! Several companies offer such services. Contact me at mailto: for a referral to one of these providers.

Having your own ezine is one ofrepparttar 124436 most powerful and popular ways to build relationship online that will serve your business ventures. I encourage you to get started today.

Dr. Bill Nieporte is editor of "The Success in Life Newsletter." Published twice a week, you will find numerous articles aimed at helping entrepreneurs and small business leader to enjoy greater success in all apsects of their lives.

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