Definitve Proof - Supplements Heal

Written by Dr. William Parsons

Continued from page 1

For a nutritionally sound-eating plan, refer to my "Eating for Health, Happiness and Successful Weight Control" ( or, for a more structured diet, consider WebMD's weight loss program (""), which I highly recommend.

Unfortunately, evenrepparttar healthiest of diets will be somewhat nutritionally deficient due to processing, cooking, and mineral deficient soil. Many food-processing methods, such as pasteurization, destroy essential nutrients necessary for good health. Cooking food also removes many nutritional elements. For decades, our farming soil has been virtually devoid ofrepparttar 114487 74 minerals necessary to sustain life (see Consequently, no matter how much healthful food we eat, without supplementation we are still "starving" for nutrients. Therefore, as part of a comprehensive health maintenance regimen, I recommend that all my patients take a high-quality multivitamin (ingredients will differ for men and women), an absorbable mineral complex (either colloidal or an above-sea coral mineral), CoEnzyme Q10, an omega EFA group, methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM), chondroitin, colostrum and an immune system support supplement (as such beta-1,3D glucan). It is important to note, however, supplements do not replace healthful food. Their function is exactly as their name, "dietary supplements." Patients that have incorporated a varied, healthful diet coupled with a consistent supplementation program report notably fewer ailments, withrepparttar 114488 exception of pre-existing conditions.

For patients with pre-existing conditions or new patients with previously undiagnosed conditions, I will, in many cases, prescribe additional supplements based on: dietary deficiency that may be causingrepparttar 114489 condition, case history, medical profile, symptomology and test results. I consider pharmaceuticals a second tier modality and surgery and/or hospitalization a final option unless otherwise indicated. Connective tissue and bone ailments are most easily treated with supplements and haverepparttar 114490 most dramatic results. Vitamin K1, silica, chrondoitin, MSM, minerals, collagen and elastin are all elements that will facilitate connective tissue and bone (joint) ailment recovery. I could cite a litany of conditions that were markedly improved. Suffice to say, there have been very few patients, whether their condition(s) were minor or chronic, who did not realize at least some relief after takingrepparttar 114491 recommended supplements for an appropriate period of time. To their pleasant surprise, many patients also experience unexpected ancillary health improvements beyond that ofrepparttar 114492 targeted condition.

Although I have not methodically trackedrepparttar 114493 recovery success rate, I feel confident in reporting that a significant percentage of my patients have responded well to a nutrition modality. Torepparttar 114494 extent thatrepparttar 114495 use of more traditional modalities were not required.

Forrepparttar 114496 defintive proof that supplements can heal, readrepparttar 114497 remainder of Dr. Parsons' article which can be found at Health Products USA (

Dr. William Parsons is the author of "Eating for Health, Happiness and Weight Control" and "Physicians' Anti-Supplement Attitude - Conspiracy or Ignorance?" A free condensed versions have been made available to Health Products USA (

Arthritis and Aromatherapy

Written by Mireille Gautschi

Continued from page 1

One ofrepparttar most effective ways to use aromatherapy for relieving pain and reducing inflammation are hot compresses: 1. Fill a medium size bowl with hot, but not scalding water. 2. Add 3 to 6 drops of essential oil. 3. Fold a piece of sterile cotton cloth and dip it intorepparttar 114486 bowl. 4. Squeeze out excess water, but not too much. 5. Placerepparttar 114487 wet, hot cloth ontorepparttar 114488 affected area until it has cooled down to body temperature. 6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 at least two to three times. 7. Wraprepparttar 114489 treated area in a dry and warm towel or blanket and leaverepparttar 114490 patient to rest for a while.

Another good way to use aromatherapy for arthritis relieve is to rub diluted essential oils (see above for dilution) onto pulse points and affected areas duringrepparttar 114491 day. Applying essential oils throughoutrepparttar 114492 day can help to alleviate pain and tension. The essential oils onrepparttar 114493 skin are quickly absorbed and enterrepparttar 114494 bloodstream. This is an excellent form of arthritis relief and works also well as a preventative measure.

Aromatherapy is a natural, safe and economical option to deal withrepparttar 114495 pain and symptoms of arthritis. And above all, it has no negative side effects as so many ofrepparttar 114496 conventional treatments do. In mild cases of arthritis, aromatherapy is often all that is needed to make a person comfortable.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is presented for information purposes only. The material is in no way intended to replace professional medical care or attention by a qualified practitioner. It cannot and should not be used as a basis for diagnosis or choice of treatment.

Mireille Gautschi is a qualified Flower Essence Therapist and Herbalist who has many years experience with the developement of natural herbal remedies. Her products can be found on the Hillside Herbal Products website that also offers a very informative newsletter.

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