Defining The Traits Of A Successful Leader

Written by Archie R. Lawhorne

Continued from page 1
don't like to tacklerepparttar tough issues. (Then again, not everyone wants to be a leader, right.) It requires being decisive and a willingness to take chances. And yes, to FAIL - but to accept it, learn from it and move on. Become A Believer Children need to "see it" in order to believe it. Leaders believe it BEFORE they see it. Here's something to try: Try doing what you say you will do. (Remember,repparttar 106885 odds are against you). When faced with problems and obstacles, choose to learn fromrepparttar 106886 experience and turn them into an opportunities. Don't whine and complain about yesterday's defeats. (It's counter-productive and you look like a fool next to Thomas Edison). Key: Until you're able to wipe outrepparttar 106887 past mistakes fromrepparttar 106888 movie projector that keeps playing in your head, you'll never be able to move forward. Leaders believe in themselves and believe in abundance. Take Some Risks Leaders arerepparttar 106889 ones willing to make huge sacrifices in time, money and family in order to achieve their goals. Risk isrepparttar 106890 price you pay for success. You must carryrepparttar 106891 burden and have repparttar 106892 backbone to make decisions that are not popular. Be internally directed, not "socially fit." You'll never achieve wealth and success as long as you care what other people thing of you. Yes, leadership has a price, (risk) but it also offers tremendous rewards. Don't Follow The Crowd Here's a crucial defining trait of a leader: they don't follow repparttar 106893 crowd. Nothing great was ever accomplished by a crowd. A crowd merely blows withrepparttar 106894 wind, like scattered leaves. Crowds have no purpose and end up nowhere. It takes courage to go againstrepparttar 106895 crowd and be a true individual, but it'srepparttar 106896 most exciting, exhilarating thing we can do. It's alsorepparttar 106897 most difficult and frightening. That's why success is so elusive and so rare. Take Ted Turner of CNN fame, for instance. He said, "Lead, follow, or get out ofrepparttar 106898 way!" Was Turner moving withrepparttar 106899 herd? No, he wasrepparttar 106900 captain, not one ofrepparttar 106901 deck hands. Most people live in a state of self-consciousness. They go to work, support their families are active in their communities and are good citizens. Their egos are socially supported which means they go withrepparttar 106902 flow. Thus, because they are moving with repparttar 106903 herd and moving withrepparttar 106904 group's collective consciousness, they struggle. It's never their goals, their vision or their choices. Most people rarely, if ever, move intorepparttar 106905 direction of freedom and true self expression. The leaders are your freedom fighters. These are people like Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Margaret Thatcher, Thomas Jefferson, Bill Gates. Leaders usually affect thousands of people. Anytime you share your energy with enough other people, BAM, success follows. The problem though is thatrepparttar 106906 notion of prosperity scares many people because they were taught that money is evil, or are afraid ofrepparttar 106907 responsibility that comes with success. Whilerepparttar 106908 world continues to change,repparttar 106909 traits of good leaders remain constant. The principles are timeless. Once you learn how to liberaterepparttar 106910 leader within you, extraordinary things happen.

Archie R. Lawhorne, APR, is an accredited public relations professional, marketing writer and consultant. Find out how he lost 18 pounds in 30 days and is still losing! This powerful system is one the best ways to reduce pounds and inches, boost your energy, regain your self-confidence and achieve a slimmer, more attractive body -- all in a matter of weeks! For more information, visit this Web site right now:

Bidding For Buyers---Lessons From The Auction Block

Written by Jerome Chapman

Continued from page 1

Takingrepparttar Old, and Incorporating The New Be prepared to blend both new E-commerce ideas with old tried-and-true principles for a net result that will equal success. Don’t banish all of one theory for another, but rather mix what works. Affiliate programs with established marketing plans, advertising venues with email, etc. Be courageous, but wise.

>From Business to Community Create a place that others will talk about. It isrepparttar 106884 nature of people to want to gather, so create a gathering place for people to share ideas, makerepparttar 106885 deal, and communicate. The dynamics ofrepparttar 106886 Internet is in its community and E-bay sawrepparttar 106887 value of this and became not just a community, but a society of it’s own.

Body Parts Are Not For Sale—Making Good with Bad Times While E-bay got press over body parts that were put on it’s site for sale, it wasn’t all bad. Yes, they obviously pulled these auctions fromrepparttar 106888 site once it came to their attention, butrepparttar 106889 press it created did not hurt E-bay. In fact, it solidified them as THE online community of our time. The place to be, to go, to bookmark, and return. It drove more people torepparttar 106890 site. The lesson? Make good with bad times. Weatherrepparttar 106891 situation, but create an event.

Evolving Forward Remember above all that change is what creates a forward moving, successful business. Never stay stagnant. Be aware of consumer’s tastes,repparttar 106892 change of trends in behavior, and constantly evolve your plan.

E-bay was an idea. We all have them. The question is what will you do withrepparttar 106893 next one that pops into your head? You knowrepparttar 106894 potential now, and if you doubt it, visit E-bay to become convinced.

Jerome Chapman has proven his own credibility to his clients through numerous successful businesses and some of the most compelling e-books about marketing on the web. Visit his web site at

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