Define Yourself!

Written by Susan Dunn, M.A., Coach

Continued from page 1
will influence how you're feeling and sometimes will have more impact than you can withstand. Toxic personalities, for instance, tend to be strong and it's difficult to stand up to negativity for an extended period of time. Somehow it's easier to be cynical, angry and bitter than it is to be cheerful, positive and upbeat, because there are plenty of reasons to be negative if that's what you choose. Pessimists are more often right (Murphy's Law!), but optimists accomlish more (ignore it and carry on!)

Being around negative people can wear you down, exhaust you, and begin to subtly infiltrate your attitudes and feelings.

Surround yourself withrepparttar kind of person you are and want to be. Be more of who you are and you'll attract people like yourself. If you aren't optimistic, add it to your mix. It's an emotional competency that can be learned.

Susan Dunn is a personal and professional development coach, writer, speaker and DL teacher. Visit her at and for FREE ezine.

Specific In Specific Out

Written by Carl Semmelroth

Continued from page 1
question. BTW, Robins live five or six years if they surviverepparttar first one and Shakespeare died April 23, 1616. Here are some searches that resulted from dinner table conversations at our home. (We are a fairly strange family.) Question: What'srepparttar 131238 melting point of stainless steel? Query form: "The melting point of stainless steel is" Search engine second place: "The melting point of stainless steel is around 1400 deg. C." Question: Is Orson Welles dead? Query form: "Orson Welles died on" Search engine result: Five results were returned. Two say 10/9/1985 and one says 10/10/1985. Anyway, he is dead. Question: We couldn't remember who was in To Have and Have Not with Bogart. Query form: "starred in To Have and Have Not" Search engine result: Of course, Lauren Becall, at eighteen, and then married Bogart. And one more I can't resist including. Question: What isrepparttar 131239 anger habit? Query form: "The Anger Habit is" Search engine result: The Anger Habit is a powerful, thought provoking and readable book. So remember, when you are looking for information onrepparttar 131240 WWW, think of a specific phrase that might appear inrepparttar 131241 answer to your question. You will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is.

Carl Semmelrothis a psychologist and writer. His latest book is The Anger Habit which has a specific place on the WWW. Contact Carl at

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