Defeating Credit Card Debt With Self Control

Written by Roy Thomsitt

Continued from page 1

2. A credit card should only be used as a convenience to pay if you have no cash on you, knowing that you can pay offrepparttar balance before interest charges kick in. Many cards have an interest free period. Never use credit cards as a loan beyond that free period. Others do, but you have no need to. You can eliminate that idea altogether. You are creating a new habit that will enhance your financial situation, and resisting an old common habit that would ultimately damage your finances.

3. Plan all your borrowing. Sit down and write down what you absolutely must buy overrepparttar 140657 next year, and add what you would like to buy. Totalrepparttar 140658 cost. Write down a budget for each month, making sure you have listed all your regular expenses that are fixed and unavoidable, and those over which there is some flexibility. Compare that total with your income. If you have a surplus, then you can think about those extra purchases you had in mind. If not, don’t think any more about them. You cannot afford them, and cannot afford to borrow.

If you have a planned surplus, then maybe you can get those things you wanted. If you can afford all of them, and there are quite a few items on your list, then forget about getting a loan. Be patient, resistrepparttar 140659 have now pay later syndrome. You can save interest and buy a bonus item with that later if you really must. You are in a great position to pay cash. Prioritizerepparttar 140660 things you want to buy, and note their cost, and then work out a plan by which you buy one item at a time spread throughoutrepparttar 140661 year. Why payrepparttar 140662 banks credit, when you can pay cash? You will save not justrepparttar 140663 interest but maybe get cash discounts. Cash gives you control. With credit you are subservient.

If, onrepparttar 140664 other hand, there are just one or two more expensive items you want to buy, it is time to compare options and test your resolve. If you save your surplus each month, consider how long it will take to have enough for item 1 and maybe item 2. Are they really urgent? Probably not. Maybe you can save for one after 4 months and 2 after 9 months. That way you are getting intorepparttar 140665 habit of saving, and living off cash. Cash is king. Your finances will start to look good over time, and you’ll start to feel proud of yourself. You will feel in control.

Remember too that by saving, if an emergency comes up, you may haverepparttar 140666 cash at hand instead of reaching for that expensive credit card.

You really cannot wait and save? That is a pity, but now check out allrepparttar 140667 loan sources suitable for your intended purchases. Getrepparttar 140668 best plan,repparttar 140669 best interest rates, and apply, withrepparttar 140670 intention of using that loan just for what it is intended, and to pay it off withinrepparttar 140671 time scale ofrepparttar 140672 spending plan. Inrepparttar 140673 example one year. Stick to that discipline, and your credit is still under your control. And, you have avoided reliance on expensive credit cards.

4. Remind yourself every day that you are only going to use your credit card when you have no cash on you, as a convenience, and you will repay it before interest starts to accrue.

5. Also remind yourself every day that sometimes it is good, or even necessary, to be that bit different, and to resist social pressures. Imagine allrepparttar 140674 credit card lemmings heading towardsrepparttar 140675 precipice, while you relax in your counting house, counting out your money. Real money; your assets. Anyway, it’s great sometimes to be different, it really does make you feel good about yourself.

6. Never, ever feel you have to buy something just because a neighbour or friend has been boasting about theirs. Envy and jealousy are viruses that minimize your individuality, and can, in this case, damage your finances.

Resistingrepparttar 140676 pressures ofrepparttar 140677 credit card society will be a lot easier once you have set your mind to it, and started to feelrepparttar 140678 benefits. Enjoyrepparttar 140679 process, and you will be a cash convert forrepparttar 140680 rest of your affluent life.

Roy Thomsitt is the owner and part author of

Monitoring Your Credit Is Easy As 1-2-3!

Written by James Dimmitt

Continued from page 1

You can also monitor your credit for signs of identity theft. More than 10 million cases of identity theft were reported torepparttar FTC last year alone! (For steps on how to prevent ID theft, seerepparttar 140606 free e-book offer atrepparttar 140607 end of this article).

2) How do I check my credit report for FREE?

The FACT Act requiredrepparttar 140608 three major credit reporting agencies to set up an internet site where consumers can request their reports at no charge annually. That site is

© 2005, Author: James H. Dimmitt James is author of “IDENTITY THEFT - How To Avoid Becoming the Next Victim!”, a free e-book offered for subscribers to his weekly newsletter “To Your Credit”. You can subscribe, and receive the e-book at no cost, when you visit

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