Decorating to Sell a House by Meeting Three Key Needs

Written by Julie Dana

Continued from page 1

Clean: The house needs to be absolutely sparkling clean. This includes washing windows inside and out, shiningrepparttar kitchen sink, dusting baseboards, bleaching grout around tiles. It also needs to smell clean and fresh. The house can not smell of animals or cooking. Do not have daily housekeeping supplies visible to potential buyers. This includes laundry baskets and dish drainers - nothing to remind people that there will be work to do in this house. You want to meet their psychological need of living in an easy, carefree house.

Reduce: This area of staging® isrepparttar 100409 most over looked area byrepparttar 100410 do-it-yourself home seller. All closets of any kind - (foyer closets, master bedroom closets, linen closet, pantry etc) must only be half full. And that does really mean only ˝ full. Also consider taking outrepparttar 100411 extra living room chair or extra dresser inrepparttar 100412 bedroom. Pack up items you can do without forrepparttar 100413 next couple months. You want to show thatrepparttar 100414 house has lots of space and room to grow. This meetsrepparttar 100415 needs of good value forrepparttar 100416 money.

These three simple but effective decorating techniques can help you market and sell you home for what it is worth.

Julie Dana is a professional Interior Redesigner and Accredited Staging Professional. Her company, The Home Stylist, offers online decorating consultations, do-it-yourself decorating plans and real-estate staging. Visit to take a fun style quiz, vote on a color poll, and sign up for free decorating e-newsletter.


Written by Mercedes Hayes

Continued from page 1

SIGNED, SEALED PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION: This is another set of drawings that will not come fromrepparttar log home manufacturer. You andrepparttar 100408 plumber must figure out whererepparttar 100409 fixtures are going, and if you live inrepparttar 100410 country remember thatrepparttar 100411 plumbing needs to hook into your septic. (This permit is separate fromrepparttar 100412 septic design permit).

APPROVED COUNTY SEPTIC DESIGN: The septic design came fromrepparttar 100413 local civil engineer. The permit application came fromrepparttar 100414 township, butrepparttar 100415 septic approval came fromrepparttar 100416 county.

HVAC DIAGRAM showing where your ductwork is going.

DRIVEWAY PERMIT: In our case, this came fromrepparttar 100417 Director of Public Works. We had to make provision for a pipe to be installed beneath a 24' paved apron atrepparttar 100418 end ofrepparttar 100419 driveway. This allowedrepparttar 100420 water runoff unimpeded access torepparttar 100421 stream downrepparttar 100422 block.

STATE WELL PERMIT and TOWNSHIP WELL PERMIT if you are digging your own well. If there is a drought going on, they might put a hold on new well permits, which will put a hold onrepparttar 100423 whole project. So get it as quickly as possible.

PLOT PLAN AND ZONING APPROVAL:repparttar 100424 Plot Plan will come fromrepparttar 100425 local civil engineer. This is notrepparttar 100426 same as a survey, which will be required byrepparttar 100427 mortgage company. The plot plan showsrepparttar 100428 location ofrepparttar 100429 house, driveway, well and septic as well asrepparttar 100430 perimeter ofrepparttar 100431 building envelope.

WATER TABLE INVESTIGATION REPORT: this will help you determine whether you can dig a basement, or do you need to raiserepparttar 100432 house up?

These arerepparttar 100433 big ones. You might have local wetland delineation issues, easements, or setbacks to worry about. Once you get that Construction Permit, treat yourself to a celebratory dinner. You'll have earned it!

The Construction Permit needs to be prominently displayed onrepparttar 100434 job site. You also need to keep one of those sealed sets of building plans on site at all times, just in case you get a surprise visit from an inspector. Hopefully by now you will have made friends withrepparttar 100435 township inspector, because he's going to have a big say inrepparttar 100436 ease or difficulty of your project. The inspections are all spelled out and will be required at each step inrepparttar 100437 process before you can move on. This could cause a delay of one to several days (not counting bad weather), so think ahead – but not too far ahead. The first inspection will come pretty quick. When your excavator digsrepparttar 100438 hole for your foundation, the township may inspectrepparttar 100439 bottom ofrepparttar 100440 footing trenches before placement of footings. If you are using a Superior Walls precast foundation system, there will be no footings so this inspection will be unnecessary. However,repparttar 100441 footings for your deck and porches will need to be inspected.

There will be a foundation inspection beforerepparttar 100442 backfill is shoveled in. The big inspection will berepparttar 100443 framing inspection. This must be done beforerepparttar 100444 insulation is added. Then, there will be an inspection forrepparttar 100445 plumbing,repparttar 100446 electrical panel and wiring,repparttar 100447 septic or sewer service, then insulation. Atrepparttar 100448 end ofrepparttar 100449 project, there will be a final inspection before issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy;repparttar 100450 inspector will look atrepparttar 100451 finishing work,repparttar 100452 smoke detectors, fixtures, etc. There may be other inspections in between, depending onrepparttar 100453 township.

Unless you are acting as your own general contractor, inspections should not concern you, except that if something failsrepparttar 100454 whole project grinds to a halt. If you arerepparttar 100455 Homeowner Builder, you will probably be arrangingrepparttar 100456 inspections yourself, and it helps to know whatrepparttar 100457 township is looking for.

Mercedes Hayes is a Hiawatha Log Home dealer and also a Realtor in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. She designed her own log home which was featured in the 2004 Floor Plan Guide of Log Home Living magazine. You can learn more about log homes by visiting

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