Decorating for the Holidays When Short on Time & Money

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life & EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

Cheap tip for a real glow? Buy a fair-sized mirror, place it on your dining room table, buffet or mantel and cover it with tea lights. Beautiful!

You could achieve this same easy transition keeping green and brown for basic background and using accents of burgundy and rust. This is a more subtle look for Christmas thanrepparttar bright primary red, but it works just as well.

Also make some trips to your local Goodwill and Thrift Stores and visit some garage sales. People give awayrepparttar 101405 most amazing holiday decorations that can be yours for pennies. I’ve found everything – hand towels, wreaths, pillows, stuffed animals, wall pictures, water globes and statuettes. Since they’re used only for a short time, you hate to spend too much on them.

And here’s a neat tip. My Goodwill store has a selection of lamp shades and I haverepparttar 101406 lamps, don’t you? You can change out your lampshades to fit your decorating scheme. Did you ever think of that? It only takes a minute. Just make sure before you go that you know which kind of lampshades you have, and match them.

Oh and don’t forget to check outrepparttar 101407 picture frames atrepparttar 101408 resale shop. You could move a favorite photo to a holiday frame and place that up onrepparttar 101409 mantel as well.

In fact if you don’t already have some great holiday photos, take some this year. I have a great photo of my grand-daughter sitting with a pumpkin I move to a central location at Thanksgiving, and then a collage of my own children at former Christmases I bring out in December. I bought an ugly print at a garage sale that had a beautiful forest green frame, threw awayrepparttar 101410 print and substituted withrepparttar 101411 collage. It’s such a dear reminder.

And while you’re decorating, don’t forget yourself! Most thrift stores set up displays of holiday apparel you’ll want to take advantage of for you andrepparttar 101412 kids. Some planning ahead can help you save time and money and still allow for a festively decorated home forrepparttar 101413 holidays.

©Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life & EQ Coach, . Offering coaching, Internet courses and ebooks for your personal and professional development. for free ezine. I train and certify EQ coaches. Email me for information on this fast, affordable, comprehensive, no-residency program.

To Prevent The Cancer Diagnosis, You Should....

Written by Bill Henderson

Continued from page 1

Get clearance from your doctor, of course, and get supervision when you start by hiring a qualified trainer. Details ofrepparttar program I use are in my book. I started a regular exercise program I've become "hooked" on when I was 60. What's your excuse? Age? Physical condition? Hey -- just do it!


Just take "One-A-Day" vitamins and you're home free. NOT!!

The so-called "Recommended Daily Allowances" (RDA) of vitamins and minerals are woefully belowrepparttar 101404 optimum level you need to maintain vibrant health. There is no real excuse for this. There are thousands of studies ofrepparttar 101405 effect of supplements andrepparttar 101406 best daily dosage. Unfortunately, if you try to follow these guidelines with individual supplements like Vitamin C, beta carotene, CoQ10, colloidal silver, selenium, astralagus, etc., etc. you will soon go broke.

Better to find one ofrepparttar 101407 formulas put together by knowledgeable health professionals. I mentionrepparttar 101408 one I have used for about 15 years in my book. I am 73 and in perfect health. It is Dr. David Williams' Daily Advantage. It costs about $44 a month, but it has kept me healthy ever since I started taking it (and exercising regularly). You can get more information at Dr. Williams' web site:

or by calling Mountain Home Nutritionals in Ranson, West Virginia at (800) 888-1415.

I get no compensation of any kind from any ofrepparttar 101409 products I recommend. My conviction that this isrepparttar 101410 best, however, was reinforced recently when I read a book called "Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements," by Lyle MacWilliam, BSc, MSc, FP. The author had compiled charts which compared 500 "nutritionals" supplements. Daily Advantage was not one of them. However, when I compared its ingredients withrepparttar 101411 "top 5" in repparttar 101412 book using his "blended standard," it was better than any of them.

Your age now is immaterial. Whatever age you are, whatever your current health condition is, starting a sound supplement program is essential. I started getting this right when I was 58.


The above three "vitals" -- diet, exercise and supplements -- form what many have called a "three-legged stool of health." The idea is that if you neglect any one ofrepparttar 101413 legs,repparttar 101414 "stool" (your health) collapses.

Others have suggested thatrepparttar 101415 "stool" has a fourth leg, which is spiritual faith. I don't try to cover it in my book, but there is evidence that it has a strong role in maintaining or regaining your health.

I'll be back soon with an article on specific recommendations for overcoming cancer. I am just a "reporter," not a medical professional. Any changes in your health regiman should be discussed with your doctor.

Bill Henderson is the author of "Cure Your Cancer" and "Cancer-Free." His books and 70 newsletters have helped over 600 people in 51 countries overcome their cancer in the last 4 years. He provides phone and e-mail answers to his individual reader's questions. His web site is:

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