Deciding on a Fitness Center: Tips for Choosing

Written by Conray Knox

Continued from page 1

* Before you shop, determine how much you’re willing to spend. Don’t go above this amount. Working out should not breakrepparttar bank.

* Find out exactly what is included inrepparttar 112973 monthly fee and what is considered “extra.” Be sure to get a price list of services.

* Skip low-cost “trial memberships.” You will most certainly be pressured later on to continue at a higher fee. Don’t join until you’re ready to makerepparttar 112974 commitment and only pay what you’re willing to pay.

* See if you are eligible for discounts through your employer or health insurance company.

* Completely understand all refund and cancellation policies before signing a contract.

* Reviewrepparttar 112975 contract at home, withoutrepparttar 112976 pressure of a salesperson. Ask questions and make sure you understand what you’re signing.

The Benefits of Joining

Fitness clubs allow you access to equipment that you could not afford to purchase or have no room for at home. Many also offer a variety of classes led by trained professionals, therefore increasingrepparttar 112977 variety of exercise options available. You also have access to fitness professionals who can provide guidance and help you develop a personalized weight training program.

For those who HATE to waste money, joining a fitness center can be a good motivator, feeling compelled to go so they get their money’s worth (this is true only for those who really go out of their way to get value from their money, no matter what they’re spending it on). Those who would just be constantly interrupted trying to work out at home may find getting out ofrepparttar 112978 house to exerciserepparttar 112979 only way to go.

Alternatives to Fitness Centers

Remember,repparttar 112980 large fitness center chains are notrepparttar 112981 only way to go. Some employers as well as local hospitals or wellness centers have fitness facilities.

Also, make sure this isrepparttar 112982 best value for you. A few hundred dollars investment in work out equipment you can use at home will still give you excellent fitness results. Or you could join a fitness class through your local YMCA or community center, where membership is not required.

Conray Knox is the owner and webmaster of Weight Training Info Discover how to eat and training for maximum weight loss and muscle gain.

Exercise the right way - one-arm dumbbell rows

Written by Rick Mitchell

Continued from page 1


Grasp a dumbbell with an overhand grip and palm facing body. Rest your opposite knee on a flat bench. The supporting leg should be slightly flexed withrepparttar foot flat onrepparttar 112972 floor. The back should remain straight, parallel torepparttar 112973 floor. The dumbbell should be held at arm's length.


Pullrepparttar 112974 dumbbell upward in a straight line withrepparttar 112975 elbow kept close torepparttar 112976 body. Lowerrepparttar 112977 dumbbell slowly torepparttar 112978 starting position. Repeat this movement untilrepparttar 112979 intended number of repetitions have been completed. Repeat onrepparttar 112980 other side.


Other exercises that tackle these muscles include Bent-Over Barbell Rows (mid trapezius), Chin-Ups (upper trapezius) and Lat Pull-Downs Behindrepparttar 112981 Neck (upper trapezius).

Richard Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Exercises to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

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