Death to Discouragement!

Written by Randy Mclean

Continued from page 1

4. If you end up cheating it's notrepparttar end ofrepparttar 115816 world - We're all human and we are bound to do it once and awhile. Some will think that they wrecked their whole diet and will therefore give up. Don't! It was only one day and tomorrow's another day. Look at it positively, it will just work to speed up your metabolism. If you haven't cheated in awhile maybe your body is trying to tell you something. All in all, if you can eat 'clean' for four to six days at a time cheating will not blow your whole diet. So don't get discouraged!

5. Give things time to work - This is another 'essential' element that most people don't realize. You have to give things time to work! Sometimes it can take weeks before you see improvements. If after a month or so you don't see anything happening maybe then it's time to fine-tune your program and make some adjustments. The key is to make sure you do your homework first before you go ballistic in your crusade to combat fat. This will save a lot of pain and time inrepparttar 115817 long run.

I hope this article helped you a lot in terms of thought processes while undertaking a weight loss program. If you want to learn how to 'put it all together' you can claim your free weight loss starter kit by clicking here. Take care and have fun!

Randy Mclean has a diploma in Fitness and Nutrition from Education Direct, a YMCA individual conditioning certificate and is the author of Instinct - Master Your Mind And Your Body! For free tips and tricks visit

Living Up to YOUR Fitness Potential!

Written by Randy Mclean

Continued from page 1

3. Endomorph - this group is more inclined to adding body fat.

No one is really one hundred percent one type or another but overweight people usually tend to lean more towardsrepparttar endomorph.

This can explain why it is harder for certain individuals to lose weight, but it is not impossible. Understanding your body type will make you understand yourself better and you will start to realize that there is hope. Unless you have a specific medical problem that is verifiable by a physician I KNOW you can do it! If you were ever thin inrepparttar 115815 past study pictures of yourself and rely on your memory to make an educated guess of your body type. It is possible for an ectomorph to become overweight as well even though it is more difficult. In this specific case you would have an easier time losing it.

In a blanket statement I would say that we all should work with what we were given. There are many stories of individuals and even athletes who were told 'they couldn't do it' and ended up going beyond their expectations. Nobody really knows how far they can push themselves until they have explored it. Once you have set limits on yourself that becomes your reality.

Think Positive

Forgetrepparttar 115816 past! So what if you tried many times and have failed. Sometimes that's what it takes - instinct. People often have to experiment in order to find out what's right for them and their particular situation, their likes and dislikes, as well as what they are comfortable with. If you have lost weight inrepparttar 115817 past but gained it back, at least you know that it IS possible. Study what you have done and find out where you have went wrong. Research, look into things and then try it again. Practice makes perfect!

Even though you might be taking a different approach to your weight loss attempts just flip through magazines or researchrepparttar 115818 personal experiences of dieters onrepparttar 115819 internet (see Yahoo> Health> Weight Issues> Weight Loss> Personal Experience). Study their cases, look at their bodies, see where they might have went wrong and see what time frame they did it in. Take notes if you have to. Some of these sites actually have diet journals whererepparttar 115820 person has written down everything they have done. Look at them as well. In a matter of weeks you will be able to fine-tune your program and see results you didn't think were possible. Believe and achieve!

Randy Mclean has a diploma in Fitness and Nutrition from Education Direct, a YMCA individual conditioning certificate and is the author of Instinct - Master Your Mind And Your Body! For free tips and tricks visit

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