Dealing With Negative People Made Easy

Written by Peter Murphy

Continued from page 1

2 Let Go

Let go of wanting to controlrepparttar opinions ofrepparttar 129663 people you deal with no matter how negative they are. By all means talk torepparttar 129664 negative person and use your persuasion skills to help give them a more positive outlook.

However remember that each of us is entitled to be negative, wrong and inaccurate! Once you accept this you will not get so stressed about wanting to change people who are negative.

And ironically when you stop trying to change people they can almost sense that you accept them and so your words have more impact.

3 Choose to Be Positive

When people around us are negative sometimesrepparttar 129665 easiest thing to do is to join in. You do not have to. If you want to just go ahead.

Otherwise find ways to maintain a positive attitude. Look forrepparttar 129666 positives inrepparttar 129667 situation and point them out to people. Ask yourself how you can use this opportunity to become better.

And refuse to get dragged down by others intorepparttar 129668 murky waters of negativity no matter how bad it gets.

Being positive is a choice even when those around you have slipped into negativity.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

What People Are Really Interested In & How to Win Friends

Written by Peter Murphy

Continued from page 1

At one point you wererepparttar answer to this persons prayers but now you serve no purpose in this persons life hencerepparttar 129661 anger and annoyance.

How can you use this insight?

1 Be alert torepparttar 129662 unspoken demandsrepparttar 129663 people in you life place on you. And understand that your relationships depend onrepparttar 129664 meeting of these underlying needs.

2 If you want to be free of a relationship that is limiting you then stop offeringrepparttar 129665 demanded input whether that be advice, time, acceptance or any other resource or support.

Be ready for fireworks though since your input will often be taken for granted until you withdraw it.

3 Realize that when you feel self conscious there is no need to be since most people are preoccupied being self conscious themselves!

And as far as they are concerned you are a means to an end. If John Friend phones you to go torepparttar 129666 cinema it is so he will enjoy your company and to avoid looking silly going there alone.

Of courserepparttar 129667 same applies to you and I. And it isrepparttar 129668 mutual filling of needs that underpins interactions, friendships and business relationships.

To sum up. We all want something from each other usually we are looking to fill emotional needs and this isrepparttar 129669 wayrepparttar 129670 world is. Once you accept this you can use this understanding to look for what people want from you and then meet their needs.

If you do this effectively you will never be short of friends and people keen to spend time with you.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

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