Data Visualization Tool: Information as Fast as the Imagination

Written by Joe Miller

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Imagine presenting a marketing report to owners, investors, andrepparttar board of directors of your company. You are presenting many levels of complex information to men and women that may not be able to grasp it all unless it is presented in an understandable format. A data visualization tool brings information to life, and allows those to whom you may present to be able to interact withrepparttar 138947 information.

Many variables exist in marketing and sales reports, including geography, population, ratios of men to women, or one age to another. Is it possible to present all of this complex information in a simple way? Yes. Evenrepparttar 138948 United States government has been able to take advantage ofrepparttar 138949 data visualization tool to provide manageable information torepparttar 138950 masses.

Let’s say that you want to show how many bags of potato chips your company sells inrepparttar 138951 first quarter inrepparttar 138952 Midwest, specifically in Iowa. You have a graph that displays that information very clearly. What if one of your clients wants to know about Illinois instead of Iowa? All you would have to do is drag your mouse over Illinois andrepparttar 138953 information would pop up withrepparttar 138954 data visualization tool. During presentations such as these pages upon pages of information is being compiled to provide helpful information, butrepparttar 138955 way it is presented may contribute even more to whether or notrepparttar 138956 information proves helpful. With a data visualization tool, questions are answered and information is presented in simple, helpful, and effective ways. Imagine what it could do for your business.

Joe Miller is specialist in online advertising. For more information on data visualization tool, please visit

Asphalt Paving Company Serving Property Management Corporations

Written by Brett S. Lane

Continued from page 1
Lane isrepparttar perfect person to speak with regarding asphalt driveway paving concerns for consumers inrepparttar 138946 Los Angeles and South Bay area. To allow Manhatten Pavingrepparttar 138947 opportunity to service your paving needs, feel free to take a look at our website @ Asphalt Paving in Los Angeles We look forward to being your premier asphalt paving contractor!

Brett Lane is the Webmaster and SEO professional for Manhatten Paving Company, located in Los Angeles, California.

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