DaraNet Cyber World

Written by Omodara Oluwafemi

Continued from page 1
given a mandate to serve his people.

Omodara femi was born to the family of omodara on the 27th August------ in Akure, Ondo-state, Nigeria. Studying computer science presently at the University Of Ado-ekiti, Ekiti-state, Nigeria.

Don't Blame It On The Webmaster

Written by jim Peters

Continued from page 1

Java Status ----------- 1. Enabled 6,152 92.84% 2. Unknown 182 5.36% 3. Disabled 61 1.79% Total 6,395

This information tells me that most ofrepparttar traffic to this site is: 1. Java Enabled 92% 2. Using either Windows 98 67% or Windows 95 29% 3. Using a screen Resolutions of 800 by 600 pixels 81% or 1024 by 768 pixels 11.88% 4. Browsers being used MSIE 6.x 74.88% and Netscape 6.x 18% That makes it very easy for me to know under what environmentrepparttar 118040 majority of my visitors are viewing that site. I then designrepparttar 118041 site to be viewed by IE 6.0 or better NS 6.2 or better at 800 X 600 Resolution and I have no problem using Java Script.

The majority of websites are designed exactly that way. Now, here are a few guidelines to follow when you start your journey out intorepparttar 118042 vast reaches of cyberspace:

Use either Microsoft IE. 6.0 or better -- get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/

... or Netscape Navigator 6.2 or better -- get it here: http://help.netscape.com/products/client/communicator/index.html

Set your screen resolution to 800x600 or better. That can be done in your Control Panel by clicking on display and then settings. I also use true color (24). With these settings you should be able to viewrepparttar 118043 majority of sitesrepparttar 118044 way they were designed to be seen.

OH! one more thing ... I don't know of a webmaster that designs sites to be viewed in anything other than a maximized window. If you're opening a site from a hyperlink in your e-mail you'll really need to click onrepparttar 118045 maximize button atrepparttar 118046 top right ofrepparttar 118047 browser window.

I hope this will help to make your journey a bit more pleasant. And if you see something on a website usingrepparttar 118048 above settings that isn't right, or find a bad link or just want to tellrepparttar 118049 webmaster you loved or hated their site, remember to tell them where you visited them. We have over 4000 web pages and we're always getting e-mail that just says "You have a link that gave me an error message" -- that really doesn't help me fixrepparttar 118050 problem. Also, keep in mind, if 5000 people viewed a web site without problems but you have one,repparttar 118051 problem just might be on your end! We welcome all comments good and bad about our sites, so don't stop sending them.

"Your Success Is Our Success"


[ jim Peters is Manager of NSI "SOLUTIONS". NSI specializes in custom website design,promotion, maintenance, domain registration ,site hosting ,site and graphic design, as well as e-commerce packages for small to medium sized companies. In other words "SOLUTIONS".]

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