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"About 60 percent ofrepparttar time, we find that people aren't tellingrepparttar 132493 truth," Alexander claims. Background checks, criminal and civil record checks are important, according to Alexander, because it's easy to be deceived when looking for love online. "You do not haverepparttar 132494 same visual cues about someone as when you are face to face with a person," she says. "Somebody behind a computer screen, can be anything they want to be.

You have no idea who's onrepparttar 132495 other side of that screen. We tell our clients it is important to Be Safe and Be Smart. To take control of your future. Information isrepparttar 132496 key.” A similar check could have helped Wadsworth. For instance, Abney had told Wadsworth that he had never been married, but Alexander found a civil record for a divorce. Alexander says that background and record checks would have revealed that Abney had lied about many personal details, which might have served as a warning to Wadsworth.

"It tells her thatrepparttar 132497 man is not tellingrepparttar 132498 truth," Alexander asserts. "He's a liar. He has something to hide in his life. I don't know if it tells her that he's going to swing a hammer over her head and that he's going to beat her almost to death, but I think it is enough to say, 'Watch out, red flag, don't let this man inrepparttar 132499 door.'"

These warning come too late for Wadsworth, who is currently taking a break from romance andrepparttar 132500 Internet while she works to recover fromrepparttar 132501 physical and emotional wounds she has suffered. "I sleep withrepparttar 132502 light on every night," she says. "It's affected me."

While more and more singles are turning torepparttar 132503 Internet to meet their mates and many online dating stories do have happy endings, it is important to remember that there are dangers to digital love. Wadsworth hopes that what she went through will help to warn others of those dangers.

WhoisHe.Com and WhoisShe.Com has been widely recognized on CBS’ “48 HOURS" andrepparttar 132504 CBS Early Show; The Other Half,in People Magazine, listed in Yahoo Internet Life Magazine's top 100 sites forrepparttar 132505 Year 2000, Seventeen Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, Kiplinger Magazine, and USA Today. Anyone harboring doubts about anyone else can check outrepparttar 132506 website at http://WhoisHe.Com and at http://WhoisShe.Com and questions can be sent to Admin@WhoisHe.Com or call Linda Alexander, Esq. at 760-806-4377.

LINDA J ALEXANDER, ESQ is an attorney and the President of WhoisHe.Com / WhoisShe.Com. WhoisHe.Com and WhoisShe.Com provides comprehensive background, criminal and civil record checks for employment screening, prospective mates, business partners, nanny checks, in-home service providers, Nanny Checks, future step-parents since 1997. She can be reached at 760-806-4377 or at CheckHimOut@WhoisHe.Com or CheckHerOut@WhoisShe.Com

Online Fan Clubs: Group mechanics, emotional addiction, and separation anxiety

Written by Kathleen Johnson

Continued from page 1

The anxiety in separation Once it is determined thatrepparttar members behavior withinrepparttar 132490 group confines has become detrimental torepparttar 132491 Group, and all other avenues have not worked, thenrepparttar 132492 only solution is to removerepparttar 132493 member by banning. Then a more interesting phenomenon develops. The banned member, or members then develop a type of severe anxiety separation disorder. They use any means available to re-joinrepparttar 132494 former Group. This can be inrepparttar 132495 form of volumes of email torepparttar 132496 moderators personal email box,repparttar 132497 solicitation of continuing members for empathy thru an email campaign, a campaign via Instant Messenger, and sometimes, inrepparttar 132498 more overt cases,repparttar 132499 formation of an online group from which to launch an “attack”.

The attack can either be inrepparttar 132500 form of flaming, plans to ostracize ofrepparttar 132501 perceived perpetrator, or repeated vain attempts to circumnavigaterepparttar 132502 blocked board via spawned ISP addresses or newly created identities. Why is it that members, who had previously expressed sincere displeasure with a Group, would go to such extremes to re-joinrepparttar 132503 group they were previously flaming? This type of separation anxiety is common. Reality is that there are millions of groups out there for these individuals to join. The only one they are seriously concerned about isrepparttar 132504 one they were just removed/banned from. This separation anxiety can be brief, or can escalate to years of hostility inrepparttar 132505 online environment.

These “fan” clubs are quite common. Since most violaterepparttar 132506 Terms of Service for ISP’s as being primarily “hate groups” they, in short order, findrepparttar 132507 website removed byrepparttar 132508 ISP. But, of course, thenrepparttar 132509 group just moves onward and forward to other campsites onrepparttar 132510 internet sometimes as a group, sometimes as individuals.

Conclusion Each Group and group member emerges from a cocoon, both different in acquired skills exiting than they entered. The process of initiative and creativity only determines a starting point. Learned life skills determinerepparttar 132511 balance. The Fan Club is one outcome. There is a more positive one but those involved in this activity rarely grow to solve interpersonal problems as they do not recognize or understandrepparttar 132512 dynamics that lead them down this path.

Kathleen Johnson

Kathleen Johnson works for Primedia.inc as a moderator on the AllExperts Board for About.Inc. Kathleen also owns multiple Groups on Yahoo and has participated online for many years observing and writing articles on Group dynamics

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