Cutting-Edge Trading News for Traders

Written by Joseph Sgro

Continued from page 1

Clickrepparttar following link to seerepparttar 134974 'bootleg' video and to getrepparttar 134975 Super Divergence Blueprint a full 24 hours beforerepparttar 134976 general public (and before it sells out!):

Just like a carpenter has a toolbox full of special tools,repparttar 134977 Super Divergence Blueprint is an extremely valuable addition to your trading toolbox. The next time a divergence setup occurs, you'll be prepared to take advantage of it.

As I mentioned in my last e-mail, only 1,000 copies are being produced, and many of them have already been pre-ordered, so supplies are dwindling even beforerepparttar 134978 official release date.

The good news is thatrepparttar 134979 Super Divergence Blueprint will be revealed torepparttar 134980 general public on Tuesday, April 26.

I will be sent a secret link a full 24 hours BEFORErepparttar 134981 general public that will allow you to reserve your very own copy ofrepparttar 134982 Super Divergence Blueprint - you'll find it in this article when I getrepparttar 134983 link.

Joseph Sgro writes "THE 10 Simple Rules Ezine", a trading newsletter for the best trading information on the net. Find out more by visiting the links: For the preview 'bootleg' video:

(C) Copyright 2005 Joseph Sgro

Do you need a home equity loan or line of credit?

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

Home equity loans also make perfect sense if you knowrepparttar exact amount that you need to borrow. While it is always nice to have cash on hand it is often better to have more credit available to you. The more of your credit limit that you use uprepparttar 134967 higherrepparttar 134968 interest rates will be for you andrepparttar 134969 tougher it will be to borrow more money inrepparttar 134970 event of an emergency. It is definitely to your advantage to only be in debt for a specific amount to complete one project.

A line of credit option may be better depending upon what you wish to do with your money. While you will still use up a portion of your credit limit,repparttar 134971 payments and impacts on your available credit may be lower. With a line of credit you always haverepparttar 134972 same amount of money available to you. As you pay offrepparttar 134973 amount of credit used, you can reuse that portion if needed without having to apply for another loan. Also your payments may be considerably lower since you are only paying onrepparttar 134974 amount of money that you have actually used, notrepparttar 134975 total amount borrowed.

As you can see there are some big differences between a home equity loan and line of credit. If you are looking at a single project, such as a new car or adding a pool to your home, a home equity loan isrepparttar 134976 better choice for you. However, if you are looking at starting up a new business, wish to travel or can not settle on predetermined amount money, then a line of credit isrepparttar 134977 better option for you. With a line of credit you can use as much of your credit as you wish whenever you wish and, much like a credit card, you can reuserepparttar 134978 amount ofrepparttar 134979 line of credit that you have repaid with out having to re-apply for a loan.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his website for the latest on personal finance, debt elimination, budgeting, credit cards and real estate.

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