Cut to the quick-What is an entrepreneur. The inside story.

Written by Martin Thomas

Continued from page 1

Here is a dictionary definition of an entrepreneur:

"A person who organizes, operates, and assumesrepparttar risk for a business venture"

Readrepparttar 141900 key words here.

"assumesrepparttar 141901 risk for a business venture"

This is reallyrepparttar 141902 essence of an entrepreneurs job. To get paid forrepparttar 141903 risks they take.

Educated, calculated risks.

The world is full of these successful individuals. They live byrepparttar 141904 spontaneaous whim of their instinct. They earn in many spheres of endeavour.

90% of these successful entrepreneurs operate inrepparttar 141905 world of proffessional "opportunity investment"

They start with virtually nothing, and build up a large seed capital account by simply investing small, and selling for a big price.

Opportunity Investment can be utilized at every imaginable price point. $100 is all thats needed or even less to make your first transaction.

Next time somebody offers you a packaged entrepreneurial "job" tell them you'd rather be paid byrepparttar 141906 hour. Your time is worth more.

However, if you live withrepparttar 141907 spark of a dream, considerrepparttar 141908 lucrative and genuine world ofrepparttar 141909 entrepreneur: "Opportunity Investment"

Content rich site, with new forum. Take $100 and turn it into $1 million in a specified number of months utilizing the little realized principles of "Opportunity Investment"

How To Deal With Credit Denial

Written by John Simpson

Continued from page 1

The creditor should have no problem providing this information for you. You will needrepparttar contact information ofrepparttar 141899 credit bureau in order to contactrepparttar 141900 bureau and request your free credit report. The contact information should include a toll free number and possibly a website address.

You may want to keeprepparttar 141901 denial letter for your records. The denial letter may include vital information and also,repparttar 141902 date of your denial.

After collecting all ofrepparttar 141903 necessary information, your next step is to contactrepparttar 141904 credit bureau and request your free credit report. You are able to review your credit report and argue any inaccuracies; however, this process may take several weeks.

So, credit denial doesn't have to mean you can't getrepparttar 141905 finance you need. Just followrepparttar 141906 above steps and you'll soon be back onrepparttar 141907 road to good credit worthiness. =========================================================== Find out how to repair your credit. Discover why a good credit report is vital to your financial future, and how to make itrepparttar 141908 best Click

** Attn Ezine editors / Site Owners ** Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site so long as you leave all links in place, do not modifyrepparttar 141909 content and include my resource box as listed above.

John Simpson works in software development. A few years ago, he got in trouble with credit card debts. Now he's written a series of articles explaining how he recovered, and repaired his credit.

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