Curiosity-The Questioning Force

Written by Victor K. Pryles "The Creativity Coach"

Continued from page 1

By losing our curiosity, little by little, we lose our ability to create. A life with routine and measurable events replacesrepparttar spontaneous and creative spirit. New information is not sought after; new combinations are ignored.

What if Newton had simply ignored that falling apple--would our knowledge of gravity exist?

If Edward Land had not acknowledgedrepparttar 130830 impatience of his daughters' desire to see those photographs -'right now'- would we have instant photography?

Do this:

1.)Today look at a long held belief you hold dear and question it. Challenge it. Open yourself to it and pretend it is some bizarre new concept you have just now discovered. Takerepparttar 130831 tried and true and turn it on its head. Findrepparttar 130832 irony in it.

2.)Leave your comfort zone. Take a risk today. If you feelrepparttar 130833 ground beneath you give way--GREAT! Make a different kind of friend, move outside your normal social structure. Read a book that is banned in 32 countries, see a play or movie that you would never normally view, temptrepparttar 130834 fates and do something you're almost guaranteed to fail at, followrepparttar 130835 next hunch you get.

3) Rate your curiosity level today. Measure it on a scale of 1-10. Plan on changing that rating by at least one or two points upward by exploring your openness, your willingness to experiment and take risks.

Finally, try and form a mental picture of what you were like as a child. Review in your minds eye those many areas of life you found fascinating. If you can't recall (don't worry many of us have forgotten it all too!) then get around some children and study their natural curiosity. Learn from them today.

Victor K. Pryles isrepparttar 130836 author of two best sellers "The Secret Creator Within-23 ways To Awaken Your creative Genius at and "Anyone Can Consult"-How To Employ What You Already Know To Help Others And Make A Sizable Income at He writes a weekly newsletter which always contains a fr^e e-book, course, or report. To subscribe send a blank e-mail to

Victor K. Pryles is the author of two best sellers "The Secret Creator Within-23 ways To Awaken Your Creative Genius at and "Anyone Can Consult"-How To Employ What You Already Know To Help Others And Make A Sizable Income at He writes a weekly newsletter which always contains a fr^e e-book, course, or report. To subscribe send a blank e-mail to

Use Your Imagination to Create the Self You Want

Written by Gerri D Smith

Continued from page 1

When someone gives you a negative opinion, you can accomplish more by not getting discouraged. Knowing that an opinion is nothing more than a comment of what, or how, a person feels and believes, is also important. Most ofrepparttar time, it is not what they know to be true.

Where does imagination come from when you need it? Imagination plays a big part in creating your self-confidence. Try filling your mind with thoughts of not letting other people's negative voices affect your self-confidence. Develop an attitude of not letting their negative opinions or actions destroy your self-esteem.

Another good defense mechanism would be to build up a series of little successes. Even small successes will buildrepparttar 130827 confidence and self esteem that you need for bigger and better successes in your business and your personal life. Then you=re more armed to deflectrepparttar 130828 negative opinions that come your way.

Imagine yourself succeeding. Withrepparttar 130829 little successes that you accomplish, remember to give yourself credit to feel good about them. Prepare your mind forrepparttar 130830 bigger successes. Then, build onrepparttar 130831 confidence andrepparttar 130832 strength that comes from succeeding.

Use your imagination to succeed and to createrepparttar 130833 self you want. After all, imagination isrepparttar 130834 power ofrepparttar 130835 mind to form images - good, bad, or indifferent; positive, loving, or negative; funny, sad, or happy. Which ones do you choose?


Gerri D Smith is publisher and host of multiple Gateways to inspiration, motivation, and information for individuals, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. Gerri’s internet business resource creates ways for you to unlock the doors to success and money. To help you reach more of your successful and financial goals, become one of the exclusive subscribers to her Free Monthly Newsletter. For details, visit:

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