Cultivate A Friendship With Death

Written by Dr Tim Ong

Continued from page 1

It is therefore essential for us to be familiar with our own spirituality. It isrepparttar only part of us that continues after death. This 'fact' is in accordance with all major religions.

Cultivate a Habit of Acceptance.

It is funny how when good things come to us, we readily accept them as though we deserve them or we have worked hard for them, yet when calamities befall us we quickly look for an external source to blame.

This is especially so when misfortunes such as terminal illness befall us. We may blame God, and later blame ourselves or people around us.

We should cultivate a habit of neutrality regardless of whether good or bad things come our way. Otherwise, we can become very bitter about life when negative things happened. Looking for someone or something to blame only serve to prolong our own suffering. Death is an enemy when we resist it, butrepparttar 130644 moment we accept it, it turns into an ally.

However, cultivating a habit of acceptance does not mean not doing anything to correct or improve our conditions. It does not mean, for example, that when we are diagnosed with a terminal illness we do nothing about it. It is only sensible to seek treatment, if it is available to us. Onrepparttar 130645 other hand, it also means we must know and accept when curative treatment is no longer possible.

We fear death only when we refuse to face it. Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous people who would take advantage of our fear of death to sell their 'cure'. In my experience withrepparttar 130646 terminally ill, I have come across countless stories of dying people being duped into parting with their savings and properties inrepparttar 130647 hope of achieving a cure.

Be a Blessing to Others.

This is our greatest and most reliable ally atrepparttar 130648 time of death. Knowing that we have been helpful to others and that we have tried to live a blameless life takes awayrepparttar 130649 fear of death. If our life has been an honest one, free of any conscious intention to hurt any living beings, we have nothing to fear when death approaches. Our mind will be at peace, undisturbed.

Onrepparttar 130650 other hand, those who lead selfish lives, and harm others to get little advantages for themselves, find themselves imprisoned in tiny, dark cells when they move torepparttar 130651 other side.

Therefore, while we still can, we should give our best torepparttar 130652 world and to people around us. Lend a helping hand to others and help to lighten their loads. Bring joy torepparttar 130653 joyless and comfort to those in need of comfort. There are many who are less fortunate than us. Count our blessings and be a blessing to others.

Tim Ong is a medical doctor and author of the online "Build From Within" newsletter series. He is also the webmaster of The Self Improvement Site (, Klinik Ong ( and Caring For The Terminally Ill ( You may sign up for his free newsletter at

The Top 10 Ways to Overcome Procrastination: The Challenge for Tomorrow!

Written by Lisa James

Continued from page 1

5.Make lists and work from them. No one likes to work from lists. You feel like your mother is controlling your every move. But this keeps you organized. Have a daily, weekly and monthly list of things you need to do and add to them as necessary.

6.Make your own “top ten” list. Write down ten things you want to accomplish inrepparttar next year. Write these out as if they have already happened, inrepparttar 130642 present tense. Post them where you will see them daily and while you’re at it, read them out loud daily. Self-talk is very important. (That’s for another top 10.)

7.Select a favorite from your list. Which item on your list will push you forward 100% in your career, personal life, etc. when completed? Come up with an action plan for achieving that goal first and write it down.

8.Find a system that works for you. There is no cookie-cutter approach to overcoming procrastination. A system that may be very successful for one person, could fail miserably for another. Try different “programs” on and be patient. You will find a system that fits you perfectly.

9.Don’t give up! We can all developrepparttar 130643 habits of focus & concentration if we commit to it by makingrepparttar 130644 decision, developingrepparttar 130645 discipline and staying determined.

10.Just do it! I realize this phrase is completely over-used, but let’s face it, it applies. Sometimes we just need to buckle down and complete that unbelievably miserable task that we have been dreading for so long. I guarantee you that you will have more energy when you are done.

David Allen says, "Much ofrepparttar 130646 stress that people feel doesn't come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they have started."

Lisa James is a personal coach and founder of Code 10 Coaching. She brings a unique perspective to the coaching arena as she was in Law Enforcement for 10 years dealing with conflict resolution and crisis management. Lisa has studied coaching and Self-Talk under the guidance of Shad Helmstetter and graduated from The Life Coach Institute in 2001. A believer in life-long learning, she continues to advance her expertise in coaching and personal development at The Schools of Coaching.

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