Crystalline Systems

Written by Alain Darbellay GGGems

Continued from page 1

· Inversion by a center

· Combination of rotation and inversion The crystals show in their form and their structure ofrepparttar properties of characteristic symmetry. And like there is a cor - respondence between reticular plans and faces ofrepparttar 109294 crystals, there is a fundamental correspondence between internal symmetry and external symmetry. We imaginerepparttar 109295 drawing of a tapestry, it will repeat ourselves by a simple parallel displacement (translation). When a crystal is examined,repparttar 109296 first Allrepparttar 109297 geometrical operations which point which drawsrepparttar 109298 attention is a cause a repetition ofrepparttar 109299 pattern are certain symmetry. One can seerepparttar 109300 called operations of symmetry. Inrepparttar 109301 repetition of faces identical to various shape ofrepparttar 109302 crystals (external format), places ofrepparttar 109303 crystal. These repetitions this translation does not appear directly. are controls by laws of symmetry, Onrepparttar 109304 other hand, in their morphology, Albiterepparttar 109305 way in which they are repeated is determined by operators of symmetry, there are three principal types of them: Axis of symmetry, symmetry plane andrepparttar 109306 center of symmetry. GGGEMS.COM ¦Gemology ¦ Corundums ¦ Tourmaline Characteristics ¦ Garnets ¦ Cutting Styles

Madagascar Tourmaline

Written by Alain Darbellay GGGems

Continued from page 1
from pink to red, chromium and vanadium is in green tourmalines,repparttar yellow andrepparttar 109293 brown one is produced by trivalent iron. Diagrammatic provision Growth zoning and geometrical drawings in a SLICED TOURMALINE of a complete crystal cut tourmaline sliced in section from Vohitrakanga. parallel torepparttar 109294 ternary axis. Rubellite Chrome Tourmalines Indigolite from Anjahamiary. Macle of green tourmaline Antsongombato type. from Tsaniria. ( Madagascar ) Estaknala ( Pakistan ) ( Madagascar ) ( Madagascar ) Sketch ofrepparttar 109295 Antsongombato mine ( Antsirabe area) atrepparttar 109296 beginning ofrepparttar 109297 20th century. The attack Mine of Alakamisy Itenina ( Fianarantsoa area). measured about fifteen meters,repparttar 109298 coal face was to This mine is worked in alluvium,repparttar 109299 first stones were hillside 10 meters aboverepparttar 109300 brook, it showedrepparttar 109301 discovered in 1989 in a rice plantation. It produced presence of a large sill of hard pegmatite, laid out in rubellites and remarkable tourmalines with geometrical benches lities by a secondary cleavage. Torepparttar 109302 wall drawings. one sees a schistous limestone greenish and broken up, torepparttar 109303 roof, one distinguishes only clay. This deposit was famous for its red-ruby tourmalines. The Mine of Anjanabonoina, located inrepparttar 109304 high plateaus, produced rubellites, green tourmalines, brown-orange, pink, blue-sky, purple, and a variety of rare stones sincerepparttar 109305 end ofrepparttar 109306 19th century. This deposit is elluvial. ¦ Cutting Styles ¦ Characteristics ¦ Crystalline Systems ¦ Madagascar Sapphire ¦ ¦ Tourmaline Polychrome ¦ Tourmaline Crystal ¦ Tourmaline Crystal 2 ¦ Tourmaline Slice ¦ Your guide to GGGems Allrepparttar 109307 pictures on this site have been shot by Alain Darbellay

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