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Every day, all around you, you see people who can’t handle themselves. They’re perfectly well-equipped to handle work portions of their jobs, but they sabotage themselves, projects, and others because they lack emotional intelligence.
People who are low in emotional intelligence: ·Are abrasive, arrogant, or hostile ·Are perfectionists who hold themselves and everyone else back ·Lose their tempers and pollute work field with negative emotions ·Shut down under pressure and become rigid ·Alienate coworkers, customers and clients ·Mismanage themselves and others ·Lose focus when swamped with emotions they can’t handle ·Operate from a fear-based perspective ·Fail to get in loop because of low social skills, and ‘the loop’ is where it all happens ·Have no leadership skills ·Lack creativity and flexibility to generate alternative solutions and problem-solve effectively ·Cannot cope with unpredictable ·Are unable to communicate effectively with those around them ·Do not have resilience necessary to withstand rejections, losses and failures or everyday work life ·Are cynical and pessimistic, an attitude which discourages any kind of positive action and accomplishment both in them and in others ·Can’t handle stress and anxiety ·Take more sick days and produce less when they’re present ·Agitate, gossip, bully and harass others ·Are too afraid to take risks that bring results
Developing your emotional intelligence competencies is one of best things you can do for yourself and for your future. It will benefit you in all areas of your life, with long-term results. How can you forget resilience once you’ve learned it? Or creativity? Or authenticity?
You’ve taken care of your education, training and experience. Now take care of social skills that will let you stand out and get ahead. It’s what personal and professional development is all about.
©Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach, . I teach individuals and businesses emotional intelligence through individual and group coaching, workshops, Internet courses and ebooks – ). A total program for personal and professional development. for FREE ezine.