Creative Soap Crafts

Written by Alli Ross

Continued from page 1

3. Put some almond oil intorepparttar bowl.

4. Placerepparttar 136646 soap intorepparttar 136647 bowl.

5. Takerepparttar 136648 water fromrepparttar 136649 pot and pour it intorepparttar 136650 bowl untilrepparttar 136651 soap changes into paste.

6. Add oils, color, and Vitamin E as you prefer.

7. Let your soap cool inrepparttar 136652 molds of your choice. (Your mold could be ice cube trays, cookie cutters, or anything else that you might come up with.)

8. Allowrepparttar 136653 soap to air out on wax paper for a day or two.

Best of luck and be sure to experiment with different colors and shapes for your soap.

GranMamma is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box - - Where you can explore thousands of unique baby names and their meanings . Read articles on parenting, family, home and gardening. Be sure to say hi to GranMamma!

Five Easy Steps to Picking the Perfect Baby Name

Written by Stephanie Gallagher

Continued from page 1

4. Checkrepparttar initials to make sure they aren't problematic.

One ofrepparttar 136606 moms I surveyed for "The Gallagher Guide torepparttar 136607 Baby Years" toldrepparttar 136608 story about her relative who named his baby, William Eugene Thompson. A nice name, butrepparttar 136609 initials (W.E.T) weren't ideal for monograms.

5. Decide in advance, or at least have a couple of names under consideration, byrepparttar 136610 beginning ofrepparttar 136611 third trimester.

There's so much to do as your due date gets closer. You don't want to be under pressure to choose a name because you went into labor early and had to come up with something atrepparttar 136612 hospital. Check out ( for lots of neat ideas for baby names.

Stephanie Gallagher is Author of "The Gallagher Guide to the Baby Years: The Real Mom's Survey of Top-Rated Products and Advice." To subscribe to her ezine, "The Shopping Mom's Weekly Tip, send a blank email to

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