Creating Your Internet Marketing Plan

Written by Megan Corwin

Continued from page 1

What strategies will you use? - Contests - Forums - Free reports/e-book - Newsletter - Pay per click advertising - Banners - Articles/content - Viral marketing

Timeline Assign a project date to each ofrepparttar strategies. Will they be one time events (contest) or something you need to do frequently (forums)? While you are thinking about it, schedule your projects in your time management system or planner.

Analysis - How will you trackrepparttar 120640 success of your marketing plans? What is your ROI?

Budget - What is your total yearly internet marketing budget? - Assign a $ to each ofrepparttar 120641 strategies you will use.

A successful internet marketing strategy begins with a plan. The time you take to put together your "micro-plan" will be well worth it to your business.

Megan Corwin is an internet marketing coach who helps work at home professionals grow their businesses. For more articles and advice about online marketing strategy and solutions, become a member of Megan’s online community for work at home women:

You are Being Lied About Reciprocal Links!

Written by Vishal P. Rao

Continued from page 1

Say your web site has a 1% conversion ratio. That means for every 100 visitors that visit your site, you make one sale. Now what aboutrepparttar rest 99. They are looking for something else, isn't it? So what do they do? They have 3 options:

a) Go back torepparttar 120639 previous site.

b) Visit your links page (if you have one), hoping that they would findrepparttar 120640 information on sites listed there.

c) End their browsing session.

So which do you think isrepparttar 120641 best option? I would definitely want my visitors to go to my links page and visit my link partners rather than go back. Because I know that my link partners would send some visitors inrepparttar 120642 same way to my site.

Now this exchange would only happen if we had a prominent link to our links page on allrepparttar 120643 pages of our site, should our visitors decide to leave us any time.

-----Side Bar----- There are some sites that have their links page designed for link partners rather than for their visitors!

They'll userepparttar 120644 following texts to link to their links page: "Let's Trade Links", "Trade Links" and so on... Such sites are more interested in finding link partners than providing information to their visitors. The end result is link partners visiting each other's site. -----Side Bar-----

3) Look out for sites that have tightly themed and categorized links page.

Sites that trade links solely for search engine rankings have links to sites on almost allrepparttar 120645 subjects on their links page. Typically ranging to hundreds of them on a single page. These pages are never going to be visited by those looking for additional information.

Whereas sites that have their links categorized are more user friendly and are more likely to attract visitors.


There is no point in looking for quality sites when YOUR links page is designed without keepingrepparttar 120646 interests of your visitors in mind. Only when we start thinking of our links page as a service to our visitors rather than a tool for higher search engine ranking, we'll be able to makerepparttar 120647 most from reciprocal links.

Vishal P. Rao is the editor of Home Based Business Opportunities - A web site dedicated to opportunities, ideas and resources to help you start and run a home based business. Visit his site at:

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