Creating Your First Business Website

Written by Shannan Hearne-Fortner

Continued from page 1

Many people struggle throughrepparttar design of a website only to struggle further to actually publish it torepparttar 134510 internet and get it hosted. One ofrepparttar 134511 greatest aspects of Milana's book is that it provides you with ALLrepparttar 134512 resources you need to move from concept to reality with your first business web site. Not only does Ms. Leshinsky's tutorial teach you what you need to know and refer you torepparttar 134513 resources you need to use what you learn, but it saves you thousands of dollars in software licenses and design fees. So, now that you know where to go to get your first business web site, what are you going to do with it?

Success Promotions provides tons of internet marketing resources online in addition to their professional website marketing services. If you want to create AND market your business website yourself, then you need to plan to spend at least ten hours per week wearing your marketing hat. If you do that, your first business website will berepparttar 134514 only one you'll need. But whatrepparttar 134515 heck? Ifrepparttar 134516 first one is successful, then continue to build and reaprepparttar 134517 online rewards.

Milana Leshinsky's powerful e-book tutorial Success Promotions' marketing resources

Shannan Hearne-Fortner President and Wizard Marketing Your e-Business Better

Building Printer Friendly Pages

Written by Lauri Harpf

Continued from page 1

Next, you'll need to think about page width. If your pages are too wide, they won't fit onrepparttar paper. Width problems are often caused by a layout that contains fixed-width tables. The solution is to either use relative widths, or to make sure thatrepparttar 134509 fixed width is not too large. In order for your pages to print correctly, they should have a maximum width of approximately 600 pixels.

As CSS overridesrepparttar 134510 HTML definitions, it's easy to changerepparttar 134511 size of your tables. For example, defining a relative width of 100% can be done withrepparttar 134512 following class:

.setwidth { width: 100% }

...and don't forgetrepparttar 134513 details! ================================

Your next concern isrepparttar 134514 font. The one you use for screen display might not berepparttar 134515 best one for paper. Sans-serif fonts, such as Arial, are often considered to berepparttar 134516 most suitable fonts forrepparttar 134517 Web. Onrepparttar 134518 other hand, Times New Roman is generallyrepparttar 134519 best solution for printed content.

In addition torepparttar 134520 font style, you'll also need to consider its size. The font has to be large enough so that it can be read easily. However, if it's too large, it'll take up unnecessary space. The optimal size in my opinion is somewhere around 12-14 points.

Consider settingrepparttar 134521 background color to white andrepparttar 134522 text color to black with CSS. Some printers do print background images and colors, which is usually just a waste of ink. Even worse, ifrepparttar 134523 text color and background color are close to each other,repparttar 134524 printout may be impossible to read.

Instead of using a class selector for these modifications, it's usually more comfortable to simply changerepparttar 134525 way in whichrepparttar 134526 text insiderepparttar 134527 BODY tag is displayed. Settingrepparttar 134528 font to black 12-point Times New Roman andrepparttar 134529 background to white can be achieved withrepparttar 134530 following CSS statement:

BODY { background-color: white; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 12pt; color: black }

The final touch ===============

After you've created a stylesheet that is to your liking, link it to your HTML files. To do that, simply placerepparttar 134531 following line betweenrepparttar 134532 and tags:

All that you'll need to do now is to use your new classes inrepparttar 134533 appropriate places and you're set to go. Happy printing!

Lauri Harpf runs the A Promotion Guide website, where he offers free information about search engines, directories and other promotion methods. His site can be found at

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