Creating Profit Trails That Lead Back To You

Written by Dan B. Cauthron

Continued from page 1

Finding Your Own Profit Trails There is one aspect ofrepparttar Internet market that is new and vastly different from anything that has ever been presented inrepparttar 105364 history of open market commerce. Opportunities for repparttar 105365 small budget entrepreneur are literally boundless, and repparttar 105366 potential for business growth is no longer limited by repparttar 105367 sky. It reaches into outer space!

Opportunities for you to create multiple profit trails are literally wide open - limited only by your own degrees of desire, motivation, and ingenuity. And every action you take in developing your business should create another profit trail that leads straight back to you.

Now, rather than bore you with a bunch of theory, let me show yourepparttar 105368 real profit trails I have leading back to me as of this writing:

=> Direct sales of products I have developed.

=> Direct sales of resale rights products I've bought.

=> Promotion of other people's products for affiliate commissions - meaning dozens of excellent "mini-trails" and an unlimited potential to create more.

=> Monthly residual income from referrals I've made to various programs, webhosting services, etc. - again,repparttar 105369 potential to create more "mini-trails" is limited only by my own degrees of desire, motivation, and ingenuity.

=> Sales of my own skills as a service for fee - ie. adcopy writing, webmastering, etc.

Likerepparttar 105370 pharmacist, I'm not depending on any single profit trail to provide my total income. And I have more trails in repparttar 105371 works.

If you're not already doing so, I suggest you get busy right away, and create as many profit trails as it takes to get you torepparttar 105372 top of your own mountain. You're sure to enjoyrepparttar 105373 view.

_________________________________________________ Dan B. Cauthron -repparttar 105374 'anti-guru' - has been involved in direct marketing for more than 30 years. Join his NEWS Letter list for weekly original articles and insights plus a 7-Volume complimentary eMarketing Library. Visit here: or email this autoresponder forrepparttar 105375 latest issue __________________________________________________ © Copyright 2003 - Dan B. Cauthron All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Time to Spruce Up Your Public Relations?

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Continued from page 1

Moving that message to members of your target audience is next, and you have a wide choice of communication tactics to dorepparttar job. Everything from speeches, emails and personal contacts to press releases, radio and newspaper interviews, special events and lots more.

By this time, you’ll be wondering whether you’re making any progress. Best way to tell is to interact once again with members of that key target audience. Ask muchrepparttar 105362 same questions you used during your first perception monitoring session.

The differencerepparttar 105363 second time around is that you’re watching carefully for altered perceptions. Were you successful in straightening out that inaccurate belief? Does it appear that you turned around that awful rumor, or made headway in clarifying that misconception?

Not enough progress to suit you? Take another look at your communication tactics and consider expanding bothrepparttar 105364 mix and frequencies. And review your message. Is it clear enough? Were your supporting facts and figures as strong and persuasive as they might be?

As you increaserepparttar 105365 tactical pressure, you’ll begin to notice positive changes inrepparttar 105366 perceptions of members of your target audience. In time, this will lead torepparttar 105367 kind of behaviors you seek and, thus,repparttar 105368 successful completion of your public relations effort.


Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks about the fundamental premise of public relations. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communications, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. Visit:

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