Creating GIF and Jpeg Images for Your Website - How to prepare them for best results.

Written by Francisco Aloy

Continued from page 1

Once you are done withrepparttar editing, it's time to recompress and convertrepparttar 132393 images for use onrepparttar 132394 Web! Depending on your needs, resizerepparttar 132395 images to either 72 or 96 PPI and save them as GIF or Jpeg. Take your time and use many ofrepparttar 132396 Web features of your paint application; experiment to see what isrepparttar 132397 best compromise between image size and quality.

Items to consider:

High, medium or low compression.

Colors: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256

Dither/no Dither

Of course, there are more detailed works on editing images for use onrepparttar 132398 Web; this article doesn't pretend to be on par. Yet and still, by followingrepparttar 132399 simple guidelines above, you'll be able to produce some very decent images for your website.

More resources: Super tutorial site for all things graphic. Very well written instruction for graphics applications Excellent gateway site to allrepparttar 132400 good graphic design tutorials and learning resources.


by Francisco Aloy

(C)2004 FRancisco Aloy ============================================= Agreement reminder, not part ofrepparttar 132401 article: Please include my working hyperlink inrepparttar 132402 resource box. Remove paragraph before posting.

Francisco Aloy is the author of "Yes, I Want to Start My Internet Business Without Being SCAMMED!." He is the creator of The Newbie Business Guide. For more image editing resources, visit Mr. Aloy's Websit and look at our section on Graphic Design.

Creating Keyword Rich Pages

Written by Sumantra Roy

Continued from page 1

1) The first thing to remember is that some search engines don't recognizerepparttar Meta Description tag. These search engines will often simply takerepparttar 132392 first few lines of text inrepparttar 132393 body of your page and display that asrepparttar 132394 description. Hence, you must ensure thatrepparttar 132395 first few lines of text in your page are attractive to human beings.

2) Ensure that as many sentences as possible inrepparttar 132396 page contain your target keyword once. The keyword shouldn't just be placed on an ad hoc basis -repparttar 132397 wayrepparttar 132398 keyword is placed in every sentence should actually make grammatical sense andrepparttar 132399 repetition should be such that your human visitors do not feel that you have deliberately repeated a particular phrase throughoutrepparttar 132400 page. This is not only important fromrepparttar 132401 point of view of ensuring that your readers don't get a bad impression of your site, but also fromrepparttar 132402 point of view of search engine optimization -repparttar 132403 search engines may penalize your page for spamming if they find that you have randomly repeatedrepparttar 132404 keyword throughoutrepparttar 132405 page. Also, while repeatingrepparttar 132406 keyword inrepparttar 132407 page, try to repeatrepparttar 132408 keyword once nearrepparttar 132409 top ofrepparttar 132410 page and once nearrepparttar 132411 bottom.

3) Make sure that your paragraphs are not too long - each paragraph should be no more than 3 or 4 sentences long. This is because people onrepparttar 132412 web simply don't haverepparttar 132413 time orrepparttar 132414 inclination to read long paragraphs.

4) Try to ensure thatrepparttar 132415 page contains links to other pages withrepparttar 132416 keyword being present inrepparttar 132417 text underrepparttar 132418 link. This can often lead to a higher ranking for your page.

5) If possible, link to other pages which haverepparttar 132419 keyword inrepparttar 132420 file names. This can again lead to a higher ranking for your page.

6) There is no hard and fast rule regardingrepparttar 132421 total number of words that should be present inrepparttar 132422 KRPs. As a rule of thumb, try to ensure that there are between 500-600 words. However, ifrepparttar 132423 number of words falls a bit short of or exceeds this limit, don't worry too much.

Once you have createdrepparttar 132424 page, ensure thatrepparttar 132425 name ofrepparttar 132426 file in which it is saved containsrepparttar 132427 keyword and thatrepparttar 132428 individual words ofrepparttar 132429 keyword are separated by hyphens. In this case,repparttar 132430 name ofrepparttar 132431 file would be travel-to-australia.html. This will get you a higher ranking inrepparttar 132432 few search engines which give a lot of emphasis onrepparttar 132433 keyword being present inrepparttar 132434 file name.

That's it! When you want to target another keyword, simply create another KRP for it usingrepparttar 132435 procedure outlined above.

After you have createdrepparttar 132436 KRPs, you cannot simply upload them to your site and submit them torepparttar 132437 search engines. This is becauserepparttar 132438 search engines take a rather dim view of pages which only contain outgoing links to other pages but do not contain any incoming links from other pages. The search engines may penalize sites which have such pages.

What you need to do is to directly or indirectly linkrepparttar 132439 KRPs with your home page. If you are going to create many KRPs for your site, it will be impractical to linkrepparttar 132440 home page directly with allrepparttar 132441 KRPs as this will needlessly clutter your home page. Hence, what you should do is to create a separate page in your site called a Sitemap page (name it something like sitemap.html). Add links to allrepparttar 132442 KRPs fromrepparttar 132443 Sitemap page. The text that you use to link to a particular KRP should berepparttar 132444 same asrepparttar 132445 keyword thatrepparttar 132446 KRP is being optimized for. Hence,repparttar 132447 link torepparttar 132448 travel-to-australia.html file should say "Travel to Australia".

Now, some search engines refuse to spider pages which only contain links to other pages and nothing else. Hence, ifrepparttar 132449 Sitemap page only contains links torepparttar 132450 KRPs but contains no other content,repparttar 132451 search engines may ignore this page. Hence, what you can do is to add a short description ofrepparttar 132452 content of each ofrepparttar 132453 KRPs after you have added a link to that KRP inrepparttar 132454 Sitemap page. This ensures thatrepparttar 132455 search engines will not ignore this page.

After doing all this, simply linkrepparttar 132456 home page of your site withrepparttar 132457 Sitemap page using a text link. Then, submit your home page,repparttar 132458 Sitemap page and each ofrepparttar 132459 KRPs torepparttar 132460 search engines. When you are submitting these pages, to be onrepparttar 132461 safe side, make sure that you submit no more than 1 page per day to any search engine - otherwise, you runrepparttar 132462 risk of some search engines ignoring some ofrepparttar 132463 pages you have submitted. You can submit your site by going torepparttar 132464 individual "Add URL" pages of each engine. Or, in order to save time, you can use our free submission tool which helps you submit your site manually torepparttar 132465 search engines, without having to go torepparttar 132466 individual "Add URL" pages of each engine. The tool is available at 4901&submission.htm

Follow allrepparttar 132467 rules that I have outlined in this article and you can soon see your search engine blues disappear for ever!

Sumantra Roy is one ofrepparttar 132468 most respected search engine positioning specialists onrepparttar 132469 Internet. To have Sumantra's company place your site atrepparttar 132470 top ofrepparttar 132471 search engines, go to 4901 For more advice on how you can take your web site torepparttar 132472 top ofrepparttar 132473 search engines, subscribe to his FREE newsletter by going to

Sumantra Roy is one of the most respected search engine positioning specialists on the Internet. To have Sumantra's company place your site at the top of the search engines, go to For more advice on how you can take your web site to the top of the search engines, subscribe to his FREE newsletter by going to:

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