Creating An Email Form

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

This tag says simply, "whenrepparttar visitor pressesrepparttar 109673 submit button, send all ofrepparttar 109674 data that was entered torepparttar 109675 senddata.php file". The senddata.php file contains special code which performsrepparttar 109676 necessary magic to sendrepparttar 109677 data to you.

Now you need to include some special "hidden" values to tellrepparttar 109678 forms processor what to do. Hidden values do not cause any entry to be done - they merely set up data to be used byrepparttar 109679 forms processing routine.

These two lines informrepparttar 109680 Bravenet processor ofrepparttar 109681 user number ofrepparttar 109682 form. This is created when you create a new form. Each form has it's own unique number. Other forms processing systems may use similar identifiers, or they may do something completely different.

It's important to understand this concept - these values are completely defined byrepparttar 109683 forms processing routine. Different names and values will be used by different forms systems.

Once you have set uprepparttar 109684 required and optional hidden values for your forms processor, you need to definerepparttar 109685 form fields and input values. The three lines below show how to do this.

What is your name?

Where are you from?

E-mail address?

These three lines ask your visitors for their name, location and email address. As you can see,repparttar 109686 prompts and formatting are included directly in your form. The tags are used to definerepparttar 109687 fields that actually getrepparttar 109688 data. The word "size" is used to indicate how many characters to retrieve.

Now it's time to give your visitors a way to submitrepparttar 109689 form.

These two lines definerepparttar 109690 "submit" and "reset" buttons. The reset button is optional, butrepparttar 109691 submit button is required (otherwise how wouldrepparttar 109692 data actually get sent torepparttar 109693 form?)

Now you need to endrepparttar 109694 form. This is done as shown below.

That's all there is to using a simple form to get data from your visitors.

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets. This website includes over 1,000 free articles to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge. Web Site Address: Weekly newsletter: Daily Tips:

Internet Promotion: Email Signatures

Written by Richard Lowe

Continued from page 1

Before you create your email signature, it's a good idea to sit down for a minute and determine what your objective is.

- If you want to advertise your web site, it's a good idea to include a small ad and a hyperlink.

- If you are a salesperson, it may be wise to include your phone number and extension.

- Some people like to include a favorite quote.

Some cautions include:

- Do not include your pay-to-surf, moneymaking or affiliate links in your email signature. Not only is it considered tacky, but these things can trigger spam filters and get your emails automatically deleted. It's better to include these items on your website and put a link to that site in your email signature.

- Do not include profanity or harsh language.

- 900 numbers can also trigger spam filters.

Be sure to use standard formatting inrepparttar signature.

- Avoid any special fonts or colors

- Do not include graphics

- Do not use HTML

- Keeprepparttar 109672 width to 65 characters or less

- Do not exceed 6 lines

Richard Lowe Jr. is the webmaster of Internet Tips And Secrets. This website includes over 1,000 free articles to improve your internet profits, enjoyment and knowledge. Web Site Address: Weekly newsletter: Daily Tips:

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