Create Visibility For Yourself

Written by Leni Chauvin

Continued from page 1
it. For example if you thinkrepparttar gym might be a good place to meet prospective clients, go regularly atrepparttar 121023 same times and days. You'll get to talk to far more people--and form relationships with them--than you would if you went on a drop-in basis, and it's relationships, after all, that arerepparttar 121024 crux of networking. Check outrepparttar 121025 supermarket. It's an often overlooked, but excellent place to create one-on-one visibility. If you go at roughlyrepparttar 121026 same time and stand in line forrepparttar 121027 same checker each time you go, you will find that you start chatting torepparttar 121028 checker and before you know it, he/she will remember you and start calling you by name. Over time, his or her memory will increase fromrepparttar 121029 realm of "paper or plastic," to what you do for a living,repparttar 121030 name of your company, etc. Supermarket checkers come in contact with an awful lot of people and they share a lot of information with their customers, too. Wouldn't it be nice if this person, who has access to probably several hundred people a day, knew you, what you do, and evenbetter yet, had a ready supply of your business cards in his/her pocket? It can happen and it all begins with starting a routine and forming a relationship. Join and become active in your professional association, a service club, your Chamber of Commerce, Attend networking meetings. Go for a walk in your neighborhood. Coach a Little League team. Become a member of a professional leads exchange group like my own BRE Business Referral Exchange. Lead a Brownie troop. Join a book club. Take up a new sport. Start a new hobby. Pick uprepparttar 121031 phone just to say "hello." Go to seminars where your customers go. Invite your customers or prospects to attend a workshop with you. BOTTOM LINE: It doesn't matter what you decided to do to get yourself noticed. Just do it, and do it consistently. You'll find it's a low cost way to build your business; you'll learn a lot from others and have fun atrepparttar 121032 same time. (c) Copyright 2003, Leni Chauvin

---- Leni Chauvin is a Certified Professional Coach and an expert in building business through strong referral networks. She helps entrepreneurs attract more clients, make more money, and have fun while they're doing it. Visit to learn more and to subscribe to NETWORKING GAZETTE, Leni's FREE e-mail newsletter packed with tips to help you grow your business AND your life. ------

A Wake Up Call To Always Remember

Written by Karin Manning

Continued from page 1

I mean, who am I to ask for more than this person is able to give?

Am I important inrepparttar scheme of things when a family has to deal with suicide in their immediate family?

Do I have any right to say anything at all when a woman is dealing withrepparttar 121022 trial of her brother’s murderers in two weeks?

What in God’s name could I say? What could I possibly offer a woman going through these kind of personal tragedies – a fr** product, a subscription to my newsletter, an inbox filled with unnecessary products forrepparttar 121023 next 30 days?

I have no right to offer this woman anything business-wise at all. However, personally I sent her an email telling her I have removed her from my list and then spentrepparttar 121024 rest ofrepparttar 121025 email sending her every blessing I could possibly imagine, wishing her and her family God by their side through this journey I can’t imagine ever taking.

When I pressed send I realised how focused we must remain onrepparttar 121026 fact that we, as individuals, are all following our own paths and all going through our own trials and tribulations. Every email is attached to a human being, just as every website is attached to a human business owner.

Sometimes it is important to remember thatrepparttar 121027 bottom line is “the sale” is notrepparttar 121028 bottom line.

Copyright 2003. All Rights Reserved. Karin Manning. Karin is the publisher of Net Wealth, an interactive newsletter for advanced internet veterans, entrepreneurs and beginners alike. To start receiving your weekly marketing, motivational, customer service and money tips visit and fill out the popup on entry with details of your ePackage & bonus newsletter subscription & fr** gifts.

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