Create New Products: Use Leveraging

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1


Here isrepparttar marketing aha: They saw a need for children’s books inrepparttar 120748 8th grade and lower market. They connected with a publisher, soldrepparttar 120749 idea to them, and then created this advertisement and place it in many ezines (some assumptions here). Then they leveraged to bring themrepparttar 120750 results they desired withrepparttar 120751 least amount of effort on their part.

Let me move this strategy in a way on how you can apply it to your success:

1. Find a hungry niche/market (they found one –repparttar 120752 8th grade and lower markets lacked poetry).

2. Made sure there was an excellent chance for a sale or guaranteed revenue (I'm sure they wouldn't have done it had it not).

3. Leverage other people resources to fillrepparttar 120753 product (they are taking other people’s material, accumulating it, findingrepparttar 120754 best, and putting it into a product).

4. Don't pay out anything until you haverepparttar 120755 advance, or you can make enough money on presales to coverrepparttar 120756 expenses (their prize awards aren't going to be paid out until they get an advance fromrepparttar 120757 publisher forrepparttar 120758 book or they presell it through their own marketing program). [Special note: their break even point is so low all they would need to do is sell 100 books -- fairly easy since they already own hundreds of retails stores already.]

5. Sellrepparttar 120759 product and pocketrepparttar 120760 profit. (Except, they are probably going to make some money, their biggest advantage is in their new market attraction to their stores.)

Think about allrepparttar 120761 times this has been done inrepparttar 120762 past. One ofrepparttar 120763 best-case scenarios isrepparttar 120764 Chicken Soup ofrepparttar 120765 Soul books. They didn't write any of them, they leveraged allrepparttar 120766 content by findingrepparttar 120767 writers that wanted to get their name in print anyway possible (most professionals looking to built visibility for their practice). And they were happy to have that opportunity. Therefore, Chicken Soup created a win/win. Dollars for their pocket and "published author" recognition forrepparttar 120768 writers.

After a few issues it took on a whole new momentum, even Chicken Soup didn't even see coming, people volunteered their ideas for more topics/books and even leveraged to produce more books for their series and they rode it allrepparttar 120769 way torepparttar 120770 bank -- becoming an overnight millionaire -- oh, I think it’s billionaire now.

In summary, here is some ofrepparttar 120771 wisdom from this light bulb moment:

* Relationships are important in building a practice. Takingrepparttar 120772 time to not only see things from our own perspective, it is important to see them fromrepparttar 120773 possibilities for our clients/customers. It only takes a moment andrepparttar 120774 experience can be so fabulous.

* How much easier it is to develop a product with leveraging. How can you apply this to something in your business?

* Synergy builds with action after a light bulb flash. So, why not stop and take action when it occurs. The journey is sooooo worth it.

* Where isrepparttar 120775 hungry market for your product/services? Identify them and make your marketing so much easier. They can be just an age group away.

* What is sitting on your desk right now that could help one of your clients? Share it, it will come back. This is howrepparttar 120776 universe works.

Take a moment right now and write down three action steps on what you are taking away from this. Did you have different flashes? Share them with me so I can spreadrepparttar 120777 energy. Or share them with whom you need to. Send them an e-mail, it only takes a moment. Go ahead, do it. The ripple will be felt for a long time. Leveraging is a mindset, let it start here and now.

Resource Box:

Catherine Franz is a marketing industry veteran and strategist, a Certified Business Coach, Certified Teleclass Leader and Trainer, speaker, and author. Ezines, tips and articles are available:

Are You In The Right Online Business?

Written by F. Terrence Markle

Continued from page 1

2. Write and Sell Your Own eBook:

In this business, you sellrepparttar ebook that you wrote. Most people believe they do not haverepparttar 120747 ability to develop a topic and write an ebook. This is an incorrect belief. You haverepparttar 120748 ability if you can think, speak and read. The basic requirements to write a successful ebook are:

* Need an objective.

* Need to identify a niche market.

* Need a killer topic.

* Needrepparttar 120749 desire to write your thoughts.

If you do not haverepparttar 120750 appropriate knowledge, you can develop an ebook by usingrepparttar 120751 help of an “expert.” The “expert” provides you with content forrepparttar 120752 ebook and you writerepparttar 120753 ebook.

3. Start an Electronic Newsletter:

In this business, you becomerepparttar 120754 publisher and editor of an electronic newsletter (“ezine”). The newsletter can be published as often as you like whether it’s daily, weekly or monthly. The frequency depends on how often you can deliver content of value to your subscribers. Distribution ofrepparttar 120755 newsletter through email is generally based on an “opt-in” list of subscribers. The typical newsletter will contain: editorial byrepparttar 120756 publisher, tips and recommendations, featured article, advertisements, and links to specific affiliations.

4. Open an Online Store:

In this business, you either setup your own website store or rent a storefront site in an established Internet mall. The Internet store requires a website, products to sell, a shopping cart andrepparttar 120757 ability to accept customer payments. It is possible to have built-in traffic if you are part of an Internet mall.

Conclusion! ===========

Each business has a definite set of activities to be performed in order to be successful.

Your success in a specific business is dependent on how well you perform these activities.

You should select an online business to pursue based on your:

* Interests

* Motivation

* Time

* Energy

* Commitment

Make a complete evaluation ofrepparttar 120758 opportunities available before you make a decision.

Do not expect great results if you do not get excited about your business and putrepparttar 120759 necessary time and energy into your online business!

Low interest, low motivation or low commitment will lead to bad or less than acceptable results!

Examine closely what you want to achieve out of your online experience.

Takerepparttar 120760 extra time now and it may make a big difference in your future success.

Makerepparttar 120761 right decision and you have a very good chance to succeed!

Makerepparttar 120762 wrong decision and you probably will fail like so many others!

Get my FR*EE 8-day “Internet Business Mini-Course” for a close-up look at each business opportunity discussed in this article. Best wishes in your future online business success.

================================================================= Copyright © 2003 F. Terrence Markle – All Rights Reserved FR*EE 8-Day “Internet Business Mini-Course” at =================================================================

F. Terrence Markle has worked for over 20 years with public and private companies. He has an MBA in marketing and finance. He has been involved with Internet-related businesses for over 3 years. His primary focus is the marketing of affiliate programs.

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