Create Digital Children's Books

Written by Stephen Bucaro

Continued from page 1

- Place ads for child-related products on your Web site and in your ebooks. Select toys that are interesting for children, and have an educational element that justifies purchase by mom or dad.

There is a wide variety of ebook formats and ebook compilers to choose from. I recommend Help Workshop, a free download from Microsoft's Web site. With this application you can develop your ebook as regular web pages, and then compile them into a standard Windows help file.

You can have static pictures in your ebook or visitrepparttar Design section of to learn how to use Java Script to easily add animation, sound, and music to your ebooks (and your Web site).

You can sell ebooks individually forrepparttar 117431 low price of $4 or $5 each. This is a digital download product, so you have no manufacturing, delivery, or overhead cost.

After you have created eight or ten ebooks, you can sell a subscription that letsrepparttar 117432 child download any ebooks they want for one year. The subscription fee should represent a cost savings over purchasingrepparttar 117433 ebooks individually.

You can accept payments online through PayPal. Place a link to PayPal on your Web site. The customer logs in (or signs up for a free account) at PayPal's Web site. Using your email address, they deposit money in your PayPal account. PayPal sends you an email notification ofrepparttar 117434 payment, along withrepparttar 117435 customer's email address. You emailrepparttar 117436 customer a password to downloadrepparttar 117437 ebook.

For examples of successful childrens ebook Web businesses, visitrepparttar 117438 links below: ---------------------------------------------------------- Resource Box: Copyright(C)2002 Bucaro TecHelp. To learn how to maintain your computer and use it more effectively to design a Web site and make money onrepparttar 117439 Web visit To subscribe to Bucaro TecHelp Newsletter Send a blank email to ----------------------------------------------------------


Balancing Home & Work: The Challenge of the Home-Based Business

Written by Vishal P. Rao

Continued from page 1

Another benefit is that you provide clients and customers with a specific times when you are available to work with them. The most important thing to remember, however, is to set hours for yourself that you can live with. Once you decide on a schedule, you need to stick with it long-term, so be realistic about how long you can work without taking a break and how much time you'll need to accomplish everything that needs to get done.

And, no matter how much you may be tempted to keep working, you need to stop when you say you are going to stop. Taking a break allows you to come back refreshed and more alert, so you can be more productive. An overworked, overly stressed person simply is not an effective worker at home or in an office.

----------------------- Drawrepparttar Line Between Home and Work Communications -----------------------

Has this ever happened to you? You and your family have just sat down for a dinner aroundrepparttar 117430 table when a client calls to talk about your current project or a customer phones with questions about a recent purchase. The easiest way to prevent work from interfering with your family is to keep communications separate. Start by having a second phone line dedicated to your work and attaching an answering machine or voice mail torepparttar 117431 line.

When your work day ends, you can turn onrepparttar 117432 machine and let it handle any after-hour calls. An extra phone line also allows you to maintain professionalism. Imaginerepparttar 117433 embarrassment of having your young child answerrepparttar 117434 phone when an important customer calls.

You may also want to set up a post office box for all of your business-related mail. Not only will this prevent your important mail from accidentally getting thrown away withrepparttar 117435 junk, but it will also offer you and your family a level of privacy.

After all, you do not want to make your home address available to everyone; it's just not safe. If you use email or instant messaging as part of your business communications, you'll also want to establish separate accounts for those as well.

The key to running a home-based business is balance. While it may be difficult to stop working on that important project or to concentrate on work while your preparing forrepparttar 117436 holidays, striking that balance is essential for your well-being, your family's security, and your business's success.

Vishal P. Rao is the editor of Home Based Business Opportunities - A website dedicated to opportunities, ideas and resources to make money from home. Visit him at:

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