Create A Dream Diary

Written by Annette Beveridge-Young

Continued from page 1

I once dreamed a whole episode of Star Trek, complete with regular cast, a few new characters thrown in and of course, I tookrepparttar lead role inrepparttar 129296 drama. I have never attempted to write an episode for television and one for a program, which relies on much technical input, would probably not be for my first attempt, however,repparttar 129297 plot (if I say so myself) was exceptional and it is recorded in my dream diary for future use. Whilst there would be very few changes torepparttar 129298 initial plot, I was very surprised byrepparttar 129299 amount of technical knowledge sustained which proved to me just how much information our subconscious thought process retains and then subsequently uses inrepparttar 129300 course of our nightly shenanigans.

If you are lucky and your creative tact needs no prompting, you will not need to refer to your dream diary all that often, however, it can be interesting to read back over your entries over a period of time and ascertain just how far your imagination has taken you.

Just remember, in your dreams you are not restricted by earthly ties and you can let your imagination loose inrepparttar 129301 knowledge that inspiration is guiding you.Using a dream diary allows you to access your creative zone deep inrepparttar 129302 dark recesses of your mind and to harness that creative power. Do not waste this opportunity to provide original thought provoking ideas, just remember to record them carefully.

Ideas are gold dust and could, one day earn you a great deal of money as well as providing an insight into a side of your personality very rarely seen.

Annette Beveridge-Young, is a Freelance Writer and Editor of the successful Writers Competition and Resource Website

Baby Steps To Writing Success

Written by Angela Booth

Continued from page 1

Take comfort from this:repparttar joy is inrepparttar 129293 journey, inrepparttar 129294 writing. When your fantasy comes true,repparttar 129295 glow will last for a short time. What lasts longer, is your memory ofrepparttar 129296 pleasurerepparttar 129297 writing brought you, while you were writing.

So sincerepparttar 129298 joy of writing is your takeaway, take that joy right now. It's yours already.

=> Four: Be courageous: submit your work

The final baby step is submitting your work. Consider yourself a success as soon as you've submitted your work. You don’t have any control over whether someone buys it, but you do have control overrepparttar 129299 submission process.

There's only one guarantee: if you keep writing and keep submitting, sooner or later you will sell your work.

What happens then? You repeat Steps One, Two, Three, and Four. See? It's just baby steps. Start stepping!

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Veteran multi-published author and copywriter Angela Booth crafts words for your business --- words to sell, educate or persuade. E-books and e-courses on Web site. FREE ezines for writers and small biz:

Writer, author and journalist Angela Booth has been writing successfully for print and online venues for 25 years. She also writes for business.

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