Cr Bob's Newsletter - December, 2004

Written by Robert Roy MD

Continued from page 1

A study inrepparttar Archives of Disease in Children this month, shows that there is a difference inrepparttar 114506 formation of "baby teeth" when a baby breast feeds or uses their thumb to suck or is given a pacifier duringrepparttar 114507 first 3 months of their life. The study took place in Italy with 1000 children aged 3-5 years old. It found that 1/3 of all children who used pacifiers or sucked their thumb had malocclussion, whererepparttar 114508 teeth did not line up properly. 89% of  had an open bite, whererepparttar 114509 front teeth do not meet. Whereas only 11% of those with an open bite were breast fed.

This study took place whenrepparttar 114510 children were 3-5 years old and based on information about how they were fed andrepparttar 114511 use of pacifiers or thumbs. It also is based onrepparttar 114512 1st set of teeth -repparttar 114513 baby teeth. It is felt byrepparttar 114514 researchers thatrepparttar 114515 pattern forrepparttar 114516 teeth is set by howrepparttar 114517 1st set is treated.

Dr Bob's Take: although this may have quite a bit of significance for our children's future and their biting and chewing abilities I don't see many of us changing what we are doing or what we have done. But, you knowrepparttar 114518 orthodontists will continue to flourish.


Prescription Tablet Splitting

Some of you may have rememberedrepparttar 114519 articles inrepparttar 114520 papers about 3 years ago when it was suggested by some health plans that members cut their tablets in half with some medications. Well in Florida a pharmacist has noted that with cholesterol lowering medication a savings of about $850 could be saved per year by splittingrepparttar 114521 tablet. He goes on to say that this is one way to fight some ofrepparttar 114522 escalation in prices for medications. It was found that with patients ofrepparttar 114523 Veterans Affairs Dept there was a savings of $46 million when eligible patients split their Zocor.

Dr Bob's Take:  before you go and do this you first need to check with your doctor. Bring in a sample ofrepparttar 114524 medication so he/she can judge whether or not it would be wise to splitrepparttar 114525 tablet.


Grape Juice and Cholesterol

Yes,repparttar 114526 studies are in, grape juice does have a positive effect on raisingrepparttar 114527 HDL part of cholesterol. Dr Jane Freedman, associate professor of Pharmacology  at Boston University studied a group of 17 men and 3 women with a grant from Welch's. The participants were 63 years old on average and were 2 weeks onrepparttar 114528 juice, off for 2 weeks than given a placebo (non-juice) for another 2 weeks.

The outcome showed thatrepparttar 114529 grape juice drinkers elevated their HDL on average from 45 to 50mg, about a 10% rise. This group also lowered a chemical in their system that showsrepparttar 114530 presence of inflammation inrepparttar 114531 blood vessels. It is felt that yes grape juice can work like red wine in humans. And for those who don't drink red wine there is an alternative.

With that good news I will close for this year and talk with you again next year.

Happy New Year everyone!



I have several websites, and A physician by training with 20 yr expereince as a family doc. Developing these websites has been an interest for many years.

Tips on a People Search and Doctor Search

Written by Hugo Gallegos

Continued from page 1

A People Search: How can I find a Person? Like a doctor search, if you want detailed information, it will cost you. However, here are others ways to conduct a free people search: 1.Go to and type inrepparttar first and last name (i.e. Hugo Gallegos), city, state, profession, business, and so on. 2.Visit,,,,,, 3.Many other sites exist where you can find information. However, most information comes fromrepparttar 114505 same databases with different companies conductingrepparttar 114506 actual search.

A Background Check: Can I do Free Background Checks? Yes, you can. The question is will you be successful in findingrepparttar 114507 information you want?

Bottom line: Most consumers prefer quality information and will pay for it. Therefore, before you pay for information, it’s essential to find out what type of searchesrepparttar 114508 company specializes in. Also, browserepparttar 114509 site map on their web site to findrepparttar 114510 FAQs, testimonials, and contact information. Ifrepparttar 114511 company discloses very little information about themselves, start looking elsewhere.

Hugo Gallegos isrepparttar 114512 President of which provides Top Doctor credential information to consumers, and helps consumers selectrepparttar 114513 best quality providers of medical care. Get your very own virtual top doctor consultant by visiting or do a doctor background check .

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