Could Your Book Idea Be the Next Bestseller?

Written by Dawn Josephson

Continued from page 1

•Are you saying something new? If you want people to investrepparttar time and money to read your book, you have to tell them something new. Too many authors attempt to reword or rehash old ideas that others have stated over and over. While you should use other people’s works to substantiate claims or add credibility to your message, make sure your central idea is fresh and unique. How can you make sure your approach is new? Incorporaterepparttar 128684 results of a survey you personally conducted. Include case studies from your own business or life. Interview people who can contribute facts and information. Add elements of yourself to punctuate your message. This is your book, so tell your story or stance on an issue. Many authors are afraid to state a new opinion on a topic that others have covered. They think they may turn people off or offend. Remember that people like controversy, so if your book can stir things up and make people think twice about something, you’ll have a greater chance of creating a buzz about your book.

•Are your writing skills up to par? You could haverepparttar 128685 best idea inrepparttar 128686 world, but if your text is filled with errors, is poorly organized, or is difficult to understand, no one will want to read it. Before you write too much of your book, brush up on your writing skills by attending a writing class, studying a writing guide, or hiring a writing coach to help you correct your writing challenges. Also, educate yourself on what writing style appeals to your audience, and then strive to imitate that style. Gear your writing to your intended audience as much as possible. If you’re unsure whether your writing skills makerepparttar 128687 grade, consult with a professional editor or ghostwriter who can rework your writing and bring it up to publishing standards. Don’t let poor writing skills ruin your best-selling idea.

Start Writing Now Writing a book is no small undertaking. When you can answer “yes” to each ofrepparttar 128688 above questions, you’ll be on your way to transforming your idea into a publishable piece of work. Takerepparttar 128689 time to nurture and develop your idea before you start writing so you can be sure to createrepparttar 128690 best book possible. A little pre-planning and foresight is all it takes to give your bookrepparttar 128691 most market appeal.

Dawn Josephson is president and founder of Cameo Publications, an editorial and publishing services firm based in Hilton Head Island, SC. She is also the author of Putting It On Paper: The Ground Rules for Creating Promotional Pieces that Sell Books. For more information, please call 843-785-3770, e-mail, or visit

Your Guaranteed Path to Becoming an Information Product Money Machine

Written by Andrea Susan Glass

Continued from page 1
2.FOCUS—chooserepparttar theme for your first project based on your greatest area of interest or expertise and especiallyrepparttar 128681 interests and needs of your clients and prospects. 3.GATHER—assemble allrepparttar 128682 written materials you already have, including computer files, notes, research, other people’s articles, and all your newsletters, talks, etc. 4.ORGANIZE—create an outline for your initial project, which could be chapter titles for your eBook or tracts for your CD. 5.COLLATE—code your materials as to what goes into each chapter. If something is not appropriate for this project, create a file to save it for a future project in your overall plan. 6.INPUT—start puttingrepparttar 128683 appropriate data into its appropriate place in your outline. 7.ENHANCE—fill inrepparttar 128684 empty spaces from articles you’ve saved or do some research onrepparttar 128685 Internet or from books onrepparttar 128686 subject. 8.WEAVE—mesh everything intorepparttar 128687 format of a book, eBook, CD or other information product. Have some examples to use as samples. 9.EDIT—review your project several times fromrepparttar 128688 perspective ofrepparttar 128689 author andrepparttar 128690 reader or listener. Have some respected friends or business associates offer feedback. 10.PRODUCE—you’re finished creating, so now it’s time to put that eBook, tape, etc. into form for others to learn from and for you to enjoy passive income as an info guru!

Are you waiting or creating? The perfect time to create your information products is NOW! WritersWay will help you stop waiting and start creating!

© 2004 Andrea Susan Glass and Any reproduction of this article in any manner is prohibited withoutrepparttar 128691 consent of orrepparttar 128692 author. We give permission to use this article on your Web site or e-zine if you reproduce it exactly as it appears here including this notice. Visit for all your writing, editing and marketing needs and to order your FREE report, “Top Ten Tips on How to Write and Sell Your eBook for Maximum Profit with Minimum Effort.”

Andrea Susan Glass, founder of WritersWay, helps clients reach their writing and marketing goals with effective articles, press releases, newsletters, Web site copy, eBooks and books. An award-winning author, she has written books, eBooks and articles on subjects ranging from animals and auto repair to singles and spirituality.

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