Cosmic Relief

Written by Marilyn Jenett

Continued from page 1

Now, in answer to a recent query…does it ever go away? No, it doesn't. We cannot delete this information fromrepparttar subconscious perfect memory like we can with a computer. However, here isrepparttar 103511 good news…

Invisible Means of Support

The subconscious mind does not like to change and will create resistance. But there are techniques and methods for influencingrepparttar 103512 subconscious in a way that does not create argument. I call this "friendly persuasion". We gently shiftrepparttar 103513 consciousness to create a new dominant thought inrepparttar 103514 mind.


The dominant thought in our subconscious is what determines our circumstances. So we must shift our consciousness to a new dominant thought. When we do so, we then open ourselves torepparttar 103515 influence ofrepparttar 103516 creative power ofrepparttar 103517 universe - our "invisible means of support".

The following excerpt from my program will help explain this: "The subconscious mind acts onrepparttar 103518 dominant thought therein. The repetition of positive words will eventually replace negative patterns inrepparttar 103519 subconscious, which block our success and limit our income and our good.

If we persist in adding clean water, drop by drop, into a bucket of muddy water, eventually we will end up with a bucket of clean water. The good news is that we don't need to completely fill our mind bucket;repparttar 103520 dominant thought is all that is necessary forrepparttar 103521 subconscious to respond and create our desired result. So we don't have to completely eliminaterepparttar 103522 negative thoughts. 51% positive and we getrepparttar 103523 golden ring.

I know you are asking, how long will this take? I believe it will depend upon how diligently you applyrepparttar 103524 techniques and use positive words. And just as importantly, how carefully you monitor yourself so that you don't counteractrepparttar 103525 good mental work you are doing. If you asked a taxi driver to take you somewhere but gave him two addresses, where would you end up? Certainly not at your destination."

Lesson One, The Spoken Word Feel Free to Prosper

© Copyright 2003, 2004 Marilyn Jenett

Marilyn Jenett, an accomplished business owner in the corporate arena, founded the Feel Free to Prosper program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. Her students, from around the globe and from all walks of life, are enjoying remarkable success using her lessons and participating in her telephone group sessions. For more information, check out her website at

Why You Need a Capability Statement

Written by Robin Henry

Continued from page 1

What We Do: What can you do for clients or what do you sell? Do you need any special accreditations, certificates or licences to do what you do? If so, mention them.

Our Staff: Who is your staff and what special qualifications, experience, awards etc has each staff member got that will help you provide services that are better than your competitors?

Our Equipment or Resources: If you are renting training venues, hiring out equipment, or rely on resources to earn a living, place some photos in your brochures. As some smart fellow said, 'A photo tells a thousand words'. Similarly if you have a special way of doing something, try to find evidence that supports it as beingrepparttar best way, most economical, safest or whatever. For example, if you clean carpets for a living you'll need to use cleaning materials that don't cause fade, are not noxious, don't harm animals or plants and so on. You getrepparttar 103510 drift.

Where You Find Us: Where is your office, venue, factory, or whatever? How does your client find you? Do you need to include a map?

Contacting Us: Where can you be contacted by phone, fax, mobile telephone, letter, or email? Do you have an Internet site?

Client Testimonials: You can place a list of your clients here underrepparttar 103511 heading 'Clients' or you can write to your clients and ask them to provide testimonial torepparttar 103512 quality, cost effectiveness, or whatever of your service. Several of your longer term clients may be willing to accept telephone calls from people who are considering buying your goods or services.


Once you have your Capability Statement, make sure you have sufficient copies to circulate and a plan to upgrade it periodically so it continues to represent exactly what you do.

Some organisations need capability statements that are situational ie, they have several documents, each of which addresses capability in a particular part or function of their firm.

Decide what is best for you and make sure you create and maintain your Capability Statement.

Copyright Robin Henry 2005

Robin Henry is a human resources and development specialist and Internet marketer whose firm, Desert Wave Enterprises, helps individuals and businesses improve their performance by developing individuals and working smarter. Visit DWAVE at

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