Continued from page 1
- TIP: Always put yourself in your visitor's shoes to test
effectiveness of an ad -
above well – pretend you are
visitor - this should give you some idea of how to get this step right. Most probable results to
above would be to kick open
ads 3 and 4, and throw
rest to
bin. Let's analyze what inspires
above behavior. If you analyze closely, all of
above but 3 and 4, doesn't tell anything other than something similar to "a great camera offer". Ads 3 and 4 speaks about getting your photos better. Do not promote
'product’ but
'benefit'. Customers buy benefits and not products.
2 – Develop Interest and PUSH to
site -------------------------------------------------- Now you have
visitor looking for details. Tell and stress
benefits and features of
product and what
product has to offer for him/her. Sell
benefits and features. Never sell
product itself.
Proofread it, putting yourself in your visitor’s shoes, to verify
letter truly captures
interest of
reader. This requires some skill and experience, but you will be fine with time. Visit a good sales page and read through
first portion of it to get some idea on developing interest in
reader's mind.
TIP: If you are promoting an affiliate product, here is an easy way. Their sales pages are usually of high quality, as I said earlier. Read through and extract
most interesting part out and make
modifications accordingly, to fit into
context and put them in your ad.
All you need to do at last is, as it is obvious, to link
target page, with something like “more.. ”. The length of
ad can vary according to
context / space you have. This is a good classified ad for example, to your reference.------------ Make Your Photos Speak & Sparkle
Snaps are
memories of merriest moments of life. Why take blurring photos when you can produce high-quality lively ones that keeps your greatest occasions ‘as is’, even decades later? Find out HOW by visiting NOW – ------------Get
style? I bet this captured your interest.
So lets wrap up. All you need to get more clicks at ad exposure is,
- Write a Killer Initial Appearance Line - Develop Interest and PUSH to
I hope this article is informative to you. Have a nice day…
Thank You
Fazly Mohamed is a successful internet marketer and the author of some high quality publications. To get his valuable tips continuously, send a blank email to . You'll get a bonus report of the latest business model on the net with comprehensive information, if you join today.