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6) Clear & Concise
Keep your ad copy free of clutter. Don't use words that aren't needed. You are wasting your readers' time, weakening your sales message and taking up valuable space that could be better served in your interest. Your readers ' attention span is short and they are usually in a hurry. Avoid redundancies, over-worded phrases and other poor writing mistakes that serve no other function than taking up space. Provide specific and concrete information in a clear and straightforward manner. The more specific you are
less chance your readers have of misunderstanding you.
7) For God's Sake, Get to
Be direct and to
point. There is not time for beating around
bush or to keep your reader guessing.
Next to
first paragraph of your ad copy is
most important text in your work. The first paragraph, better known as
"Lead" paragraph, is what draws in
reader. If your lead paragraph is uninteresting to
reader, they will surely move on. Move right into your primary selling point. Don't waste time with introductions and explanations. If you must use them, use them later. Your ad copy should be
essence of sell from
first word to
last. Loose
fluff and fringes. They're for weddings not ad copy.
8) There's No Place for Sexism or Racism
I was listening to an ad on a college radio station in
middle of
summer semester. It was an ad for a local business. During
course of this 30-second ad they managed to insult
Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Thai and all women everywhere. Now needless to say that any type of racist or sexist attitude doesn't go far in advertising. But here we have a student population, which during
summer, by
statistics taken each year, is almost 30% of oriental origin and 65% female. Not only was this commercial poor advertising, but just plain stupid.
Gender bashing, racist remarks and general rudeness offends people. You don't sell by offending others. The hardest of them to deal with is
use of gender in your copy. How do you handle it? Instead of "service man", it's "service person". Instead of "his", it's "his/hers". There are however a couple of other ways to help deal with this problem. One is two use plurals. Instead of his or her, try they, them or theirs. Another is to rewrite your copy taking out any reference to sex at all. You may even try alternating sexes through
ad copy.
Well, that's it for now, hope you're walking away with more than you came with.
Listed above are just a few techniques that you can use to help you write better ad copy.
Remember good copy sells, but great copy sells well!
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