Cooking instructions for prime rib roast

Written by Hans Dekker

Continued from page 1

Most cooking instructions for prime rib roast include using a meat thermometer and this isrepparttar best way to ensure that your prime rib is cooked to perfection and not overcooked. The internal temperature for rare prime beef should be 130 degrees Fahrenheit, for medium rare around 140 degrees Fahrenheit, medium around 150 degrees Fahrenheit and for well done between 160 and 170 degrees Fahrenheit.

For cooking instructions for prime rib roast that is bonelessrepparttar 148799 basic cooking time is for medium is a 3 to 4 pound prime rib roast should be cooked at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 23 to 30 minutes per pound, for a 4 to 6 pound prime rib roast you should cook it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 18 to 20 minutes per pound and for a 8 to 10 pound prime rib roast you should cook it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 13 to 15 minutes per pound. Remember, this is only an estimate and all oven do not cookrepparttar 148800 same. You should still use a meat thermometer to ensurerepparttar 148801 desired doneness.

The last cooking instructions for prime rib roast and mayberepparttar 148802 most important is to letrepparttar 148803 roast sit for around 15 minutes before carving. The roast will still cook andrepparttar 148804 internal temperature will raise another 10 degrees but this sitting time is important to hold inrepparttar 148805 juices and flavor.

Hans is author of Prime Roast, Steaks, Seafood Articles at

Foraging and Eating Wild Edible Plants

Written by Alan Detwiler

Continued from page 1

Some plants such as cattail tuber shoots and burdock root can be boiled to increase tenderness or to reduce strong flavors and then simply eaten as is.

Be sure of what it is that you are going to eat and be sure that it is edible. Consult a good reference book. If possible have someone who is familiar with a particular plant point it out to you. Most photographs are not of high enough quality to be relied upon to positively identify a wild plant.

Some edible plants have poisonous look alikes. Some plants have edible parts and have poisonous parts. Some plant parts are edible only after being prepared in a particular way. It is commom that a small quantity of a plant can be eaten without problems but if you eat too much your digestive system will protest forcefully.

There's about 6 or 8 disaster scenarios that I can think of that seem likely to happen at some time. Most of them seem unlikely to happen in my lifetime. But you never know. Isn't it prudent to be prepared at least to some extend inrepparttar eventrepparttar 148756 normal food supply is interrupted. Examples of disaster that seem likely to happen are an asteroid hittingrepparttar 148757 earth, a massive nuclear war, a global epidemic, andrepparttar 148758 failure of one or two major crops such as corn and wheat due to a widespread disease or climate change.

The gathering of wild foods is interesting and enjoyable. Forgaging for a favorite or new addition to your menu may take you through woods, through open fields and meadows and other places of beauty. It is a great way to get out intorepparttar 148759 natural world and enjoy its complexity and majesty. It adds torepparttar 148760 perception thatrepparttar 148761 world is a good place that is to be enjoyed. It is emotionally pleasing to find something that seems free and of exceptional value.

Making use of natural foods gives you greater awareness ofrepparttar 148762 inter-relatedness of living things to each other and torepparttar 148763 environment. That greater awareness helps us more appreciaterepparttar 148764 weather and climate,repparttar 148765 abundance of nature, agriculture andrepparttar 148766 food supply, andrepparttar 148767 importance of protecting those things.

If you are interested in a few detailed recipes and a couple of other general preparation methods see

For more information on wild edible plants and recipes see Foragingrepparttar 148768 Edible Wild,

For a list of links to more informaion see

For a few books on wild edible plants see

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Alan Detwiler is the author of several books on things to do for fun. The books are available at

His web sites are and

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