Contextual Ads, Do They Work?

Written by Rob Wiley

Continued from page 1

This little experiment told me that contextual ads can work if they are placed inrepparttar proper spots. For example, I have Google Adwords on my site. It seems to be working just fine because people come to my site looking for new media professional related material. Goolge will only display websites that have content relevant to what is on my site. I personally don't see how this concept could not work. It might be too soon to judge contextual ads. In time we will see if this "next big web thing" REALLY does live up to it's expectations.

Rob Wiley has spent the last 13 years serving the media industry in fields involving graphic design, marketing, website design and development. His experience has been shared with numerous businesses that have profited from his advice and skills.

Writing Your Body Content

Written by Rob Wiley

Continued from page 1

note: Just becauserepparttar store might berepparttar 119376 most important section ofrepparttar 119377 site does not mean that other parts of your site are less important.

Currently when you go torepparttar 119378 store you see: a picture of a flower onrepparttar 119379 left andrepparttar 119380 name ofrepparttar 119381 flower and price onrepparttar 119382 right side ofrepparttar 119383 picture. This is repeated for each flower as you scroll downrepparttar 119384 page. As I look at this page I realize that a lot more can be down by means of content. We will moverepparttar 119385 name ofrepparttar 119386 flower and price torepparttar 119387 bottom ofrepparttar 119388 picture, onrepparttar 119389 right side we will have a two to three sentence paragraph that will describerepparttar 119390 flower in a manner that is enticing, promptingrepparttar 119391 reader to look back atrepparttar 119392 picture to makerepparttar 119393 purchase.

Having a short description for each item will build body content in a short time period. Using this method which I call "Item Identification" will also allow you to create more pages. Indexing three pages compared to one is better when you submit to search engines and just by adding a short description for each item will increase your traffic after you submit your revised pages.

Rob Wiley has spent the last 13 years serving the media industry in fields involving graphic design, marketing, website design and development. His experience has been shared with numerous businesses that have profited from his advice and skills.


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