Contact Lenses : How to wear and not tear

Written by Peter Smithson

Continued from page 1

Always handlerepparttar lenses with care and if by some occurrence you should happen to tear a lens, never re-use it. And, despiterepparttar 143648 urge when solution isn't available, never use saliva to moisten dry contacts. Your mouth is filled with bacteria that will contaminaterepparttar 143649 lens, possible causing an infection inrepparttar 143650 eye.

For daily wear contacts, it's good to take them out and clean them each evening and leave them in a solution over night. This keepsrepparttar 143651 lens clean and lubricated. It's a hard lessonrepparttar 143652 first time you insert a dirty lens on your eye or an eyelash is dislodged duringrepparttar 143653 insertion.

If that should happen, let your eye tear naturally - tears will often wash dust particles or an eyelash out.

Another handy tip that is rarely mentioned (although some people have certainly had a problem with it) isrepparttar 143654 drain plug inrepparttar 143655 sink. When adjusting your lenses, be sure your contact lens doesn't fall intorepparttar 143656 sink and go downrepparttar 143657 drain.

Most people lean towards their mirror so they can see what they are doing as they slip their contact lens into place. The act of leaning forward places you overrepparttar 143658 sink. It's a good idea to make surerepparttar 143659 drain is in place, just in case. =========================================================== Discover important advice and information about contact lenses. Are soft or hard best ? What'srepparttar 143660 best cleaning solutions ? For a comprehensive guide, Click

Peter has worn contact lenses all his life. He's tested different types, and explored all alternatives. In this series of articles he shares his advice and experiences.

Contact Lenses or Lasik Surgery - Which is the right choice for you?

Written by Peter Smithson

Continued from page 1

It is not uncommon for patients to experience blurriness for a day or two following, but most patients notice an immediate (if not profound) change in their vision whenrepparttar surgery is over.

Laser surgery isn't a guarantee of correction. However, doctors, as well as your own optometrist can never promise 20/20 vision atrepparttar 143647 surgery's completion. You may still need some form of corrective lenses. Laser surgery is a popular and viable alternative when compared torepparttar 143648 lifetime investment inrepparttar 143649 cost of new corrective eyewear every two or three years.

Ultimately,repparttar 143650 procedure is not a guaranteed. The decision to continue with contact lenses or try laser corrective surgery is up to you and your doctor. The surgery has proven successful for hundreds of patients, but contact lenses are less expensive inrepparttar 143651 immediate time frames and don't involve surgery or lasers. Check out your options. Consult your optometrist and decide which option might berepparttar 143652 best for you. =========================================================== Discover important advice and information about contact lenses. Are soft or hard best ? What'srepparttar 143653 best cleaning solutions ? For a comprehensive guide, Click

Peter has worn contact lenses all his life. He's tested different types, and explored all alternatives. In this series of articles he shares his advice and experiences.

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