Consulting Versus Selling

Written by Gordon Goh

Continued from page 1

Differentiate Yourself from Your Competitors

Top salespeople, positioning themselves as consultants, see themselves as resources for their clients. They see themselves and carry themselves as advisors, mentors and friends. They become emotionally involved in their transactions and they are generally concerned that their product or service berepparttar ideal solution torepparttar 103022 real needs ofrepparttar 103023 prospects they are dealing with. They differentiate themselves from their competitors by being more concerned with helping their prospects than with selling their products or services. Their customers often feel that they care more about them than they care about making a sale. And it's true.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, see yourself as a problem-solver rather than as a salesperson. Take sufficient time to understandrepparttar 103024 prospect's real need before you start selling.

Second, think of ways to tailor your product or service to your customer's needs so that he sees what you sell asrepparttar 103025 ideal solution for him.

Gordon Goh is author of the free, informative website content of Motivation | Inspiration Tips offering quality useful tips for Motivation

Reasons Why People Don't Buy From You

Written by didier

Continued from page 1
site should be easy to navigate through. The graphics should be related torepparttar theme of your web site. 7. You don't let people read your ad before they get your freebie. When you use free stuff to lure people to your web site include it below your ad copy or on another web page. If you listrepparttar 103021 freebie above your ad they may never look to see what you're selling. 8. You don't attractrepparttar 103022 target audience that would buy your product or service. A simple way to do this is to survey your existing customers to see what attracted them to buy. This information will help you improve your target marketing and advertising. 9. You don't test and improve your ad copy. There are many people who write an ad copy and never change it. You have to continually test and improve your ad copy to getrepparttar 103023 highest possible response rate. 10. You don't give people any urgency to buy now. Many people are interested in your product but they put off buying it till later and eventually forget about it. Entice them to buy now with a freebie or discount and include a deadline date whenrepparttar 103024 offer ends.

Didier support@netprofitblueprint


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