Constipation and Natural Remedies

Written by Rudy Silva

Continued from page 1

It is important to use only natural remedies for constipation so you don’t continue to upsetrepparttar natural balance and function of your colon. As you begin to apply some of these remedies, keep in mind that one particular remedy does not work for every person. You may have to make some changes to some of these remedies, such as increasing dosage, adding substances, or trying different substances.

The remedies you choose to use will depend on specific herbs, foods, or nutrients you have, you can buy locally, you can buy onrepparttar 113958 Internet, nutrients you prefer, or you can afford.

Experimenting is part of how you find out what is best for you.

Keep in mind that all remedies you should only be used only for a short time, two to four days and not longer than 2 weeks. They should only be used forrepparttar 113959 time needed to clear your constipation. Sometimes this might just be one or two times.

There are some herbal combinations you can use longer. These combinations can improverepparttar 113960 health of your colon and get your bowels moving.

If you have constipation, I can tell you nowrepparttar 113961 natural balance and function of your colon has been affected. But natural remedies can bring you back into balance.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. To see his latest web site and gain links to his ebooks go to

Enzyme Product Guidelines: A Resource

Written by Loring A. Windblad

Continued from page 1

If you want a product for phenols, or if you are sensitive to phenols:

1. No-Fenol by Houston - found to be very effective for phenolic foods, artificial colorings, flavorings, and other phenolic compounds. 2. AFP Peptizyde by Houston – protease product effective for casein and gluten control but does not contain any fruit_derived enzymes 3. Enzymedica products Carbo, Digest, Digest Gold, Gastro, Candidase, Purify do not contain fruit_derived enzymes; onlyrepparttar product Repair contains fruit_derived enzymes

Note: May be helpful with Feingold Program, particularly going from Stage 1 to Stage 2.

If you want a "gentler" product for a very injured gut:

1. Gastro by Enzymedica contains no proteases, and does contain amylase, lipase, cellulase and 4 herbs to aid in gut healing 2. No_Fenol, Candex, or Candidade may be helpful with conditions such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's, celiac, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bowel disease, and other conditions caused by bacteria, yeast, and inflammation inrepparttar 113957 gut. It helps to keeprepparttar 113958 roughage down to not irritaterepparttar 113959 gut lining, as well as fight yeast directly.

If you wants a high lipase product:

1. Lypo by Enzymedica 2. Digest Gold by Enzymedica – does not contain any fillers, approximately 3 times stronger than Digest; does not contain fruit_derived enzymes helpful for those with phenol sensitivities 3. Some people do well with prescription pancreatic enzyme products for this purpose

Other companies:

1. Tyler makes Similase and Similase Jr in several different varieties, sometimes recommended by clinics. Creon is a prescription pancreatic product available through doctors. 2. Contact Kirkman Labs for specific use of their products. 3. Bio88+ (Plus), from Healing Hand Network, comes in a semi-liquid honey-like state, is an Enzyme product created from 88 nutritious food, fruit, herb, vegetable and grain products and additionally contains 15 proprietary probiotics.nutritious food, fruit and grain products and which contains 15 proprietary probiotics. 4. Replenish Probiotic 5. Resolve Digestive Enzymes 6. Super Antioxidant Greens 7. Natural Metabolism Enhancer

Many people with autism (and other conditions) may have gastrointestinal problems so great that ANY product can bring a little improvement. Just keep in mind that further improvement may be possible as well.

Note: Enzymedica products are available in health food stores or online. You can search forrepparttar 113960 best price online. All products come in veggie capsules except for Klaire products which come in gelatin. When comparing prices, please note ifrepparttar 113961 quantities given are for one, two, or more capsules, and how many capsules are in a bottle. Houston products contain rice bran, Klaire products contain beet root powder, and Enzymedica products contain no fillers, Thropps Nutrition contains no fillers but does contain ionic minerals. Most people find these ingredients are not a problem even if they are "intolerant" of them initially. However, please note these if they are a concern for you.

There are at least 9 brands all claiming to berepparttar 113962 "best" or "most potent" or "most comprehensive" or "best value" or "best all around enzyme product" – please take any such claim with not only a grain of salt but an entire shaker.

The author personally endorses only one of these products, but with reservations. Feel free to contactrepparttar 113963 author by email for additional information.

Disclaimer: These articles in no way should be taken as medical advice on any product or condition, nor do they constitute in any way medical advice endorsing any specific product, specific result, nor any possible cure for any condition or problem. They are meant as a source of information upon which you may base your decision as to whether or not you should begin using a greens product as a dietary supplement. If in doubt, or if you have questions, you should consult your physician and, if possible, consult a second physician for a possible different opinion. The author bears no responsibility for your decisions nor forrepparttar 113964 outcome of your actions based upon those decisions.

Loring Windblad has studied nutrition and exercise for more than 40 years, is a published author and freelance writer. His latest business endeavor is at

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