Consolidating Your Government Student Loans

Written by Dale Ronewicz

Continued from page 1

Always Considerrepparttar Cost

You should keep in mind that although consolidation can simplify loan repayment and lower your monthly payment, it also can significantly increaserepparttar 145459 total cost of repaying your loans. Consolidation offers lower monthly payments by giving borrowers up to 30 years to repay their loans. So, you'll make more payments and pay more in interest. In fact, in some situations consolidation can double your total interest expense. If you don't need monthly payment relief, you should comparerepparttar 145460 cost of repaying your unconsolidated loans againstrepparttar 145461 cost of repaying a consolidation loan. You also should take into accountrepparttar 145462 impact of losing any borrower benefits offered under non-consolidated repayment plans. Borrower benefits, which may include interest rate discounts, principal rebates, or some loan cancellation benefits can significantly reducerepparttar 145463 cost of repaying your loans.

For Part II of this article please visit:

Are you sick of the Financial Insecurity of Fluctuating Seasons and Income?

Written by Mandy Nield

Continued from page 1

Firstly, real estate investing builds not only income for now (assuming you buy cash flow positive properties), but will also prepare you for a comfortable retirement. As a bonus, you also getrepparttar capital increase (real estate is said to double in value every 7-10 years approximately), as well as tax advantages. And if this isn’t enough, then you can also use other people’s money to acquire it and pay it off.

Sounds like a winner all around, don’t you think?

Not convinced yet?

Well, how could we use our fluctuating income to our advantage? As farmers, on a good year we could put money in a ‘mortgage offset account’ or just pay extra offrepparttar 145423 loan. This would reduce your interest payments. In a bad year, you can redrawrepparttar 145424 extra equity you have inrepparttar 145425 property, or properties. This investment vehicle can be used totally to your advantage (check with your accountant or tax advisor though).

I really could go on for ages about this brilliant opportunity because I am so passionate about it and it has been our saving grace overrepparttar 145426 last couple of years as well as having comfort in knowing that we’re planning for a secure financial future.

I really hope you have got some benefit out of this article, at least be inspired to check it out further. Good luck in your enterprises, whatever you do, and I hope that this year is a great one for you!

Mandy is the wife of a farmer, and an accountant and teacher by trade. She has years of experience in real estate investing. She has a strong desire to help others achieve their dreams.

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