Considerations for a pay-per-click Ad Campaign

Written by Robert Williams

Continued from page 1

1. Would it be cost-effective? If you pay 1 cent per visitor and make 2 sales with 100 visitors, didrepparttar 2 dollars you spent on advertising make it worthwhile?

2. What words are relevant to your site? If you want people who have an interest in Work At Home Opportunities to find your site when doing a search you might bid on this phrase or similar phrases. Computer Jobs might bring people to your website however you see its probably not relevant enough.

3. Who visits your site? Know your target market. If you are selling something or seeking to hook up with other opportunity seekers be sure its spelled out inrepparttar 124859 title and description of your site. You want people who will make an action at your site. You are looking for them and are they looking for you.

4. Where on Your Website? Listrepparttar 124860 page on your website that calls for an action onrepparttar 124861 part ofrepparttar 124862 visitor whether it berepparttar 124863 point of sale page or just obtainingrepparttar 124864 email address ofrepparttar 124865 visitor.

As you can see, Pay Per Click Search Engines can be an

alternative for your advertising campaign especially when you may be on a limited budget or just don't haverepparttar 124866 resources or time to bring your website up to a top listing onrepparttar 124867 major search engines.

Getting your website in front ofrepparttar 124868 right people is mainly your task with search engine listings.

About The Author

Robert Williams is the co-owner of, a PPC Search Engine dedicated to the delivery of relevant results to its users. Join our affiliate program.

E-Marketing Using Only Free Resources

Written by Candy Brauer

Continued from page 1

3.-Go torepparttar first window, wait untilrepparttar 124858 30 seconds have counted down, then clickrepparttar 124859 next link. While that one's counting down, clickrepparttar 124860 next link onrepparttar 124861 next window when it's ready, then move on to your third browser window, etc. When you see a webpage that interests you, by all means, stop and take a look at it, that's why people have their pages on these programs, and it's why you have your program there.

I usually only spend about 15 minutes a day doing this. However I met someone overrepparttar 124862 internet who suggests spending 60 minutes a day doing it. I tried it, and you know what? I didn't get any more sign ups on my webpage from doing it for 60 minutes than I do when I do it for 15.

Sure, most ofrepparttar 124863 other hit surfers will not even glance at your page. But some will, and those arerepparttar 124864 people you're trying to reach. Give hit surfing a try, and see how it works out for your page.


Safe lists are email clubs onrepparttar 124865 internet, where evey subscriber has opted in to receive emails from other members of that group. You can email thousands upon thousands of people each week, or maybe even each day, spam free, via safe lists. Just go to , and do a search for "email safe list" and you'll find lots of safe lists that you can utilize.


E-Zine stands for 'electronic magazine'. And you know what? There are thousands upon thousands of e-zines out there. Just do a search on for "business ezine", and you'll find lots of results. Look overrepparttar 124866 e-zine sites, and when you find one you'd like to advertise in, submit your ad.


There are lots of ways to get good rankings on search engines. Unfortunatly, many of those ways are via cheating - hiding code to get higher rankings, various gateway pages with different meta tags, etc. However, those who are ethical and truthful will find that they'll get better rankings, if they followrepparttar 124867 wonderful advice at . The advice is free, easy to follow, and really works. Give it a whirl.


Giverepparttar 124868 above suggestions a try. Track all your advertising efforts, and find out what works for your page, and what doesn't. Then put more focus on what's working, and less to no focus on what's not.

Candy Brauer is a happily married housewife, mother of 3. She works from home for a medical benefits provider, and gives a large percentage of her work from home income to charity. You can view her webpage at , or call her at 206-338-3108.

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