Conservative Investors Are Losers

Written by William Cate

Continued from page 1

You can benefit fromrepparttar Government borrowing tactic by seeking loans that are belowrepparttar 112163 inflation rate. Whenrepparttar 112164 thirty-year mortgage rates drop below 6%, refinance your home or other real estate assets. If you buy nonperishable goods that you'll need inrepparttar 112165 future, you are earning 6%/year tax-free interest on your risk capital. If you haverepparttar 112166 storage space, this tactic may make sense to you. There are many other self-reliant tactics that are worth considering in your battle to maintain your lifestyle againstrepparttar 112167 Government's Inflation Gremlin.

The alternative to conservative investment isn't speculation. You will lose your risk capital if you gamble it. If you speculate in a startup business,repparttar 112168 U.S. Small Business Administration will tell you that your odds of losing your risk capital are about 85%. If you gamble your money on speculative stocks, your odds of losing your money are about 98%. You may beatrepparttar 112169 speculation odds once or twice, but over time, you will lose your money. Anytime you gamble againstrepparttar 112170 House, over time,repparttar 112171 House will always win, becauserepparttar 112172 odds favorrepparttar 112173 House. It's way Las Vegas Casinos prosper in good times and bad.

You should seek returns over 10% with a risk of capital loss of 6% or less. My advice is always ask how likely you are to lose your risk capital, before you ask aboutrepparttar 112174 potential return on your money. I'm aware of two strategies that meet these requirements. Both require pro-active investors. It's like buying nonperishable goods to preserve their risk capital. You have to do something to benefit fromrepparttar 112175 strategies. I'm willing to supply information on these two strategies to any reader who can suggest other investment strategies that beatrepparttar 112176 Government Inflation Gremlin.

You can contact William Cate at:

He has been the Managing Director of Beowulf Investments [] since 1981 and is the Executive Director of the Global Village Investment Club []

Day Trading Checklist

Written by Trader Jack

Continued from page 1

You won't learn day trading in a single day. An obvious point, but different people learn at different rates. The only way to jump startrepparttar process is (a) find a mentor (a successful trader who will ride shotgun for you) or (b) use one ofrepparttar 112162 proven methods that have defined rules, (the Camarilla Equations from springs to mind). Even this requires practise though, and you should expect to be still paper trading byrepparttar 112163 end of a month. Keep at it - day trading is like any skill - nothing worth having ever comes easy.

Knowing when to exit is as hard as knowing when to enter. Day trading is an inherently variable business - some days you might make thousands of dollars, some days you might lose a lot of money. The one thing you WON'T do is make consistent amounts of money day trading every day - markets just aren't like that. If you learn to day trade in a style that lets you run your winners, and chop your losers ruthlessly, you WILL succeed at it, and may even become wealthy.

Day trading doesn't mean trading every day. If you don't feel like trading, then don't trade. If you try to force it, you will most likely lose money. And too many losing days may start to give you a complex about it until you eventually become too scared to 'pullrepparttar 112164 trigger' and initiate a trade!. Trading should be good fun, and exciting too, and if you want to day trade for a living, not only must you make good money, but you must enjoy it as well! Forrepparttar 112165 full text of this article andrepparttar 112166 next inrepparttar 112167 series, 'Day Trading Basics', consult

Trader Jack trades Futures, stocks, and options when he isnt writing for, the place to learn stock trading, free!

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