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Don't forget cleaning supplies for outdoor decks, window washing and car. A ladder (and someone to hold it steady) is required for window washing. A soft chamois and cleaner specifically formulated for washing cars makes finish cleaner and shinier.
Make washing windows easier by purchasing two sizes of squeegees - a small one for multi-paned windows and a large one for sliding glass doors. Use squeegee to dry window for quickest, streak-free finish.
Take it from Top to bottom
Clean one room at a time from top to bottom before moving on. Decide whether curtains and rugs go to cleaners or get tossed in washer with a laundry booster.
Always start at top. Sweep for cobwebs and wash ceilings and light fixtures first with a lambswool duster. Light fixtures that are dirty or greasy, as they are likely to be if located near stove, need to be removed and washed in warm soapy water.
Move down walls, dusting pictures and decorations. The rest of room can be best tackled by starting at door and moving around room. Pick up objects, dust, clean, remove spots, vacuum.
Bring a box and a bag into room. Your goal is to find a storage place for everything. Books go back in bookcase, pictures back on mantel. Loose papers need to be filed, tossed, or shredded. Spring cleaning is also perfect time to weed out all objects that are cluttering up your home. The box is for objects you plan to donate, give to friends, or sell at a yard sale. The garbage bag is for everything else you don't want anymore that cannot be recycled.
Spring may have sprung, but remember spring cleaning is for all seasons.
Remember Fuller Brush man? Quality brushes that last for generations were their trademark. Fuller Brush continues that tradition with brushes for every job in house, plus cleaning supplies, personal care items and more. Visit Vincent Platania at to find best products for cleaning anything, any time of year.
Author Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit