Conducting a VoIP Readiness Assessment of Your Corporate Network

Written by TelCon Associates, Inc

Continued from page 1

4 Steps to a Successful VoIP Readiness Assessment

1) Conduct a complete inventory of your existing network. Identify routers, switches and links in your network and store their configuration data in a database. This step is crucial before you can move to step 2.

2) Determinerepparttar current CPU, memory and bandwidth of your network devices, routers and switches. This information will give you a "baseline" of your existing network infrastructure and current capacity.

3) Simulate and compare VoIP usage scenarios to estimaterepparttar 102874 call capacity ofrepparttar 102875 network.

4) Determine how well VoIP will perform on your network by measuring simulated VoIP traffic and calculating call quality based on a Mean Opinion Score (MOS).

We have recently added a VoIP bandwidth calculator tool to help you determine various codec, MOS, and bandwidth scenarios. Go to for more information.

While VoIP can ride overrepparttar 102876 highways that your data currently does, it is a new application with new rules. A VoIP readiness assessment will give yourepparttar 102877 information you need to incorporate a VoIP solution without unnecessary hassles and expenses due to lack of proper planning and research.

If you are considering migrating to VoIP and need help, contact us and we'll help guide you torepparttar 102878 right sources.

TelCon Associates For 32 years, TelCon Associates has helped companies of all sizes gain control and reduce telecom spending through their proprietary methods of telecom audits, telecom bill management and telecom audit training. Visit for more information and free news and resources inrepparttar 102879 telecom industry.

For 32 years, TelCon Associates has helped companies of all sizes gain control and reduce telecom spending through their proprietary methods of telecom audits, telecom bill management and telecom audit training. Visit for more information and free news and resources in the telecom industry.

Health conscious wholesale distributors wanted

Written by Rolf Rasmusson

Continued from page 1

When you establish your product outlet relationships you'll find that you don't need to stock products and everything will be dropped shipped to your customers for you. What an incredible way to do business. No shop, employee, insurance, storefront overhead and in fact you are able to deduct parts of your home business you never ever thought of. You'll even find that marketing, advertising, customer acquisition for your products has been well planned out for you with a good track to run on. Clickrepparttar mouse and poof they you have it.

How exciting it is today to start up a nifty little business and yet be able to do as much volume asrepparttar 102873 boy onrepparttar 102874 street with all those headaches in his office or shop. It's not going to be too far downrepparttar 102875 road and most storefronts will be a thing ofrepparttar 102876 past. And why not, withrepparttar 102877 attitudes, apathy and indifference shown by so many establishments who needs it and people have had enough. That byrepparttar 102878 way is why wholesale distributors are also wanted and needed.

More about being a wholesale distributor

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